Unlike Robin Samuels (“McPherson has proven record,” letters, May 25), I have no struggle about which candidate to support for county supervisor. I’ve educated myself and talked individually with Eric Hammer and Bruce McPherson and am convinced Hammer would represent our district best.
To vilify Hammer for ties with the Valley Women’s Club is the first error of judgment Samuels made. Look at the group’s website for the history of what their organization has contributed to our community.
Samuels’ point about the Boulder Creek Recreation & Park Department is one I also looked into. Hammer has said the fact that the recreation board didn’t connect with neighbors sooner in the process was one of the strongest lessons he’s learned in public service. He learned that while working for our valley’s youth, and proved he learned it by strongly stating during a recent meeting about safe bike routes that it’s critical to connect with neighbors along proposed bike paths early on.
To suggest Hammer alone “publicly declared he is for taking homeowner’s land” for a bike path is misleading. Every candidate said they support the safe bike route, though McPherson made the outsider’s error of referring to Highway 9 as “Highway 1” and Hammer is the only candidate taking the time to attend ongoing working meetings for the bike route project.
Hammer has given time, money and hard effort to multiple causes in our valley. He’s supported teens, young children and our community as a whole through the teen center, Redwood Mountain Faire, Valley Women’s Club, BC Rec Board, Mountain Community Resources and contributions to Boulder Creek’s elementary school gardens. No other candidate can claim his level of local service. For SLV residents, the supervisor is our one dedicated local representative — we need someone committed to our community with the passionate dedication Hammer has demonstrated.
Joni Martin, Felton

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