I am disappointed at the lack of facts in your article regarding public access to Newell Creek. There appears to have been no effort to research what is happening beyond quoting a resident wanting to continue to allow access and a city water official citing increased security because of 9-11 as the reason for increasing restrictions for public access.
Why can’t Santa Cruz City Water Department share this increased security plan and the requirements driving it with the public? Why didn’t the Press-Banner interview Loch Lomond park rangers to find out if there is a new enforcement policy, and if so, what it is? How come there was no mention of the numerous reservoirs in Santa Clara County that do not restrict public access? These are a few of the obvious questions that come to mind when I read this article.
When we are discussing policy changes restricting access to public land, I do not see why it should be taken so lightly by reporting some quotes of a few individuals. If you do not want to put a concerted effort into your reporting, then do me a favor and don’t report anything on the subject. You do a disservice to you readers by not doing you due diligence.

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