Miles Zarathustra complains about the sounds of loud motorcycles in the valley and expresses a desire that the California Highway Patrol issue more citations to quiet things down (“Rethink ticketing priorities,” Letters, May 4). Two things that he apparently doesn’t understand: One is that one man’s noise is another man’s symphony. The second is that May is Motorcycle Awareness Month, and motorcyclists wouldn’t feel the need for sound nearly as much if the drivers of vehicles would pay more attention. I’m always much more aware of motorcycles that are around me when I’m driving if I can actually hear them, and they are easier to hear than they are to see. Zarathustra mentions excessive tickets for speeding grannies and seat belt violations. The CHP understands that both can cause accidents and injuries. I’ve never seen loudness cause an accident or injure anyone. And a note to cyclists — keep it within reason, hold it down and respect others.
Elwin Haddix, Ben Lomond