I’m a Scotts Valley High School parent. I have had children at the high school for the past five years. Next week begins the yearly, week-long S.T.A.R. testing. Over the years, I’ve grown to appreciate more deeply the importance of our students participating and doing their best on the S.T.A.R. tests. These tests are valuable indicators of the effectiveness of the learning environment at our school. But, more importantly these days I think, S.T.A.R. testing results can have an effect on school funding. Testing results contribute to our school reputation and can help attract new students, keeping our enrollment high. Testing results can also affect local property values.
I want to encourage all SVHS parents to make sure your students are present during the S.T.A.R. testing and to have conversations with them about the value of taking the tests seriously. It’s important!
Arlene Passanisi, Scotts Valley

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