To the editor:
I read the letter to the editor written by Leslie Steiner with surprise. I was present at the Sheriff Candidate forum at Covered Bridge Park and believe I remember Ms. Steiner — particularly when she had one of two outbursts, and in particular when she flipped off some of the people in attendance. What I do not recall are some of the things she listed as “facts.” Although I listened well, I never heard Roger Wildey say he wished to chase the homeless into the trees and spray them with hoses. Ms. Steiner should stick to actual facts instead of creating her own version of them. We are fortunate to have three quality candidates to choose from — the first time we have had a choice in 20 years. One candidate in particular stands out for me as one who is exceedingly qualified, and not beholden to the current political machine, vote Roger Wildey for Sheriff June 3.
Stephanie Culligan

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