I don’t know Bruce McPherson personally, but he appears to me to be an effective establishment politician. He has amassed and exploited a large campaign fund, collected a variety of endorsements, and just coincidentally happens to live in a recently redistricted addition to the 5th District.
I conclude that Bruce has good campaign skills, but this is scarcely a reason to elect him. Rather, I want to elect the candidate who I see as the best long-term investment in effective grassroots representation of our community’s interests and needs. In my view, this candidate is unquestionably Eric Hammer, based on the following three observations:
First, Eric understands and loves every foot of the 5th District. His children attend the public schools here, and he has tirelessly devoted himself to improving things for residents of our district from the ground up. He can intelligently discuss the issues on everything from our roads to our watershed.
Second, everywhere Eric has gone — Cabrillo, San Francisco State, Boulder Creek Recreation District — he has received leadership awards due to his devotion to making things better for the people around him. His résumé isn’t yet lengthy, but it is a record of consistent growth and accomplishment.
Third, Eric has demonstrated the ability to organize people who may not agree and to get results. People who have worked with Eric respect him. This is why he has the endorsements of board members he has worked with — the whole Boulder Creek Recreation Board, for starters. Of course, Eric is also endorsed by the Democratic Party, by the Sierra Club, and so on.
For all of these reasons, I believe that our community will be best served by electing the relative newcomer, Eric Hammer, as a truly fresh and dedicated representative of our local interests.
Laura Dolson, Ben Lomond

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