Shame on Panetta for voting to cut Social Security and Medicare
Why did Jimmy Panetta, our elected representative to the U.S. Congress, vote in favor of the Republican closed-door commission to cut Social Security and Medicare? How could he so horribly betray the senior citizens of Santa Cruz County last Thursday?
Never in a million years would his predecessor Anna Eshoo do such a thing. Like many other people, I would never have voted for Panetta if I’d had any idea he would be such a turncoat.
Social Security is 95% of my household’s income, and it’s just barely adequate for us. Original Medicare plus a Medigap policy is 100% of our health care. Cutting them will, sooner or later, make millions of us senior citizens fall off the financial cliff, becoming homeless and ill, clogging up the streets and emergency rooms.
Is that really what Panetta wants? Is that what Santa Cruz County wants?
Ann Thryft
Boulder Creek
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