I support the rate hike proposed by the San Lorenzo Valley Water District to ensure that we keep up with needed infrastructure repairs; establish emergency interties; protect and maintain our watershed and ground water sources of water; and build a new energy- efficient, seismically safe, consolidated location in Boulder Creek for all of our district facilities.
Even though there have been plenty of publicly announced committee and board meetings about these issues, I feel that there could also have been an on going public outreach effort explaining these needs and plans to achieve them in more detail.
Even though it costs a little more money and takes more time to do so, PR on the web site, in the papers, and at public outreach meetings should have started many months ago and been on going.
I am thankful for the great water and water district that we do have.
The rate hikes are a relatively small price to pay to ensure that we maintain a dependable, safe supply of water in the potentially turbulent climate change years to come.
Fred McPherson, Boulder Creek