The San Lorenzo Valley is directly impacted by the pending closures of state parks, decline in public and higher education, closures in the public library system and an overall slowdown in our economy. How, then, do we justify parking outside the state parks and walking in?
If you do this, are you pro or con on the license plate fees that are being debated in Sacramento? Don’t give me any entitlement response, because that just doesn’t explain your actions. No one is entitled to not pay for our beautiful state park system.
I will remind you that our economy benefits from the state park presence, and it becomes one part of our investment in the success and pride of the local community. It outrages me to pay the fee and pass all the cars parked on Highway 9 or Graham Hill Road.
Secondly, I find it funny that everyone is still “cool” with Proposition 13 in 2010. Really? You see quality and justice in a two-thirds vote and the unfair burdens it places on younger families and businesses that strive to own property and pay current-value taxes? All the while, others pay a property tax that was established in 1978 — and this goes for commercial property owners who charge tenants current-value rent. We never offered Native Americans a break on their land — why do you feel different today?
Europe is an aging population with extreme unemployment. California will be no different if this attitude continues to prop up the older or less motivated citizens who own property.