Letter: Voting ‘yes’ on Lompico merger will help preserve quality of life
To all my neighbors in Lompico Canyon: I need your help.
I have been a resident of Lompico since 2000, and I value our quiet, peaceful lifestyle. Four years ago, when the need for a possible merger of our Lompico County Water District with San Lorenzo Valley Water District arose, I began attending Board of Directors and Citizens Advisory Committee meetings.
Our path to maintain our quality of life has become very clear to me through what I learned.
I need your help in order to:
n Ensure clean and safe drinking water;
n Lower our water costs;
n Have an adequate and secure water source; We now pump 40 gallons per minute, (State says we should pump 80 gallons per minute).
n Be served by a full time manager (State mandate says we must have a manager) and have a full time, fully equipped staff, available 24 hours per day;
n Replace our outdated and leaking tanks, (State mandate);
n Replace our 30-year-old (10-15 year normal life span) meters with modern accurate wand- read meters, saving labor costs;
n Have fire protection that does not deplete our water storage (eliminating the need of water rationing after a fire);
n Maintain our property values by having an efficient water district that serves our needs without a constant discussion about how to save water, pay for repairs to our aging system, lower cost, and how to fund a new manager and full staff.
To accomplish these basic water needs in our system, we need to vote “yes” to passing the upcoming water bond, known as Measure N.
All registered voters will receive ballots by mail in January 2015. Please help all of us by voting yes for Measure N, and returning your ballot by mail.
Brad Smith,
Letter: Cinelux seating rules take away movie patrons’ freedoms
How does it feel to walk into the Scotts Valley Cinelux Theater and be asked to pick where you will sit for the duration of the film?
I was astonished and taken aback at this curbing of my personal freedom to decide where I will sit without benefit of any knowledge of my surroundings.
How could I possibly choose where I will sit if I don’t know how tall the person is in front of me? What if someone has a lack of personal hygiene that wafts in my direction? What if there are a pack of wild kids too near making noise that I can’t block out?
The list of “what ifs” goes on and on.
Are you really going to police the theater for those who don’t sit in the correct seat? Are you going to escort people in finding their seats in a dark theater and disrupt the film for others?
I won’t be back to the Scotts Valley Cinelux — not even for the completion of the “Hobbit” series. I will take my dollars elsewhere and enjoy my freedoms where I can still find them.
I’m not willing to sacrifice this seemingly small hint of freedom for their upgrades in a wanton use of head-counting technology.
Susan White Rose,
Boulder Creek

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