Letter: Support local businesses the way they support SLV’s youth
For many years I’ve been overwhelmed with gratitude for the generosity of our local merchants in supporting so many activities that my children have participated in. Whether it’s meant taking out an ad in a program for a theater production, donating materials for a library event for children, providing valuable items for the school auction that allows our elementary students to get quality art, music, and science education, supporting sober grad nights, and our “no pay to play” school athletics policy in the San Lorenzo Valley, or taking out an ad in the high school newspaper, local businesses are asked — over and over — to support the young people of our community, and repeatedly their answer is: “Yes!”
That’s why, every year when holidays and birthdays come around, I try to make sure that if there’s a gift we’re not making ourselves, we buy it from local merchants that I know have supported our community in ways that are meaningful to our family.
I am tempted to name them so you can thank them this way, too, but I’m afraid that may result in them just being asked to give even more.
So consider this a general plea to show your gratitude to all our local businesses this season for what they have done and continue to do for our community.
And if you know of a specific business that has given toward one of your child’s activities, make sure to let them know you notice and appreciate what they are doing for our kids.
In this way we weave a beautiful web of mutual support.
Joni Martin, Felton
Letter: Final thoughts on current SLVWD board before terms expire
Thursday, Dec. 4 at 7:30 p.m. is the last board meeting for the current San Lorenzo Valley Water District (SLVWD) board members. All three whose terms are ending are being replaced by new, hopefully more responsive, board members.
It is shocking, but not surprising, that SLVWD President Margaret Bruce plans to use that meeting for awarding resolutions to these three board members who — along with her — are responsible for conditions that a Grand Jury Report censured this past year.
It is noted that the only board member of these three who ran for re-election came in last place. It is clear that voters were not impressed with current SLVWD board members’ service.
I am among those who experienced the arrogance of the past SLVWD board.
I endured SLVWD staff laughing at me when I sought help, and President Bruce and other current board members accusing me of wanting my late husband to be subsidized when I sought a more reasonable bill after discovering the SLVWD cut off my late husband’s water — then billed him over a thousand dollars for providing him absolutely no water.
Yet, this same board did little to provide most of the much-needed infrastructure improvements while approving millions of dollars to develop a fancy facility for staff that has since been found to be unfeasible.
It would be far more reasonable if SLVWD President Bruce presented a resolution that recognized ratepayers and apologized for mistakes made by the SLWVD board that have wasted public funds and exhibited arrogance toward ratepayers.
Hopefully, the new leadership will realize ratepayers are the ones SLVWD exists to serve, not the other way around.
Colette Marie Farkas-McLaughlin, Gilroy

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