Dear Editor

RE: New Funding Challenges for School Parent Groups

Safeway has been very good to our schools in the San Lorenzo Valley. The High School alone has raised over $50,000 over the last four years through the Safeway eScrip program, and the staff at our local Felton store have been very supportive and helpful during the Back-to-School fundraisers.

Unfortunately, as of August 1, the corporate office of Safeway has decided to discontinue its relationship with eScrip. This means that the parent groups at BCE, SLE, SLVMS and SLVHS will be looking for other fundraising activities this fall and beyond, so that they can maintain support for the schools.

If you have a student enrolled in any of our schools, please pay special attention to information on how you can sign up to the other passive fundraisers run by the school, and consider giving additional support to the fundraising events.

Safeway has said it remains committed to funding projects which are important to local communities, so please show your support for our schools on and find the Contact Us page.

Jill Collen, SLVHS Cougar Parents Club

Melissa Avilla, SLVMS Panther Club

Brandy Escott, SLVE Bobcat Club

Tammy Schultz, BCE Parents Club




o The Editor,


 As a hiker and 34 year Bonny Doon resident, I would love to see the Bureau of Land Management’s Coast Dairies unit added to the existing California Coastal National Monument.This will be accomplished by legislation just introduced by California’s Senators Boxer and Feinstein. I believe this upgrade to Monument status will bring additional protections and resources. Since I live adjacent to these BLM lands I want this higher level of protection as the unit is opened for public access.


 As a State Parks volunteer docent, I appreciate that nearby Big Basin Redwoods and Wilder Ranch State Parks have extensive trail systems. However, continuing population growth means that additional high quality natural areas like this National Monument expansion need to be given maximum protection now.


The National Monument will provide much needed educational and trail user opportunities with expansive ocean views from its coastal meadows, woodlands, creek canyons and upland redwoods, while protecting Native American cultural sites




Barry Grimm,


Bonny Doon



Dear Editor,

I want to thank Senator Boxer and Senator Feinstein for their effort and leadership in working with local community leaders to establish the Cotoni – Coast Dairies National Monument. This elevated status upgrade to the Coast Dairies property will allow for federal protections in perpetuity and make access free and open to everyone. It is of utmost importance that we protect this cherished land so that our communities can enjoy what the North Coast has to offer as well as pass on a legacy of environmental advocacy to future generations. Thank you, to Senator Boxer and Senator Feinstein, and thanks’ to you Congresswoman Eshoo for leading the way.

Madeleine Conway

Santa Cruz



Dear Editor,

I was walking Molly, my chocolate lab on Graham Hill Rd. near the corner of Sims Rd. this morning when two lovely ladies crossed the street coming toward us. Molly, who is very skittish about everything, got “spooked” by their presence and decided to bolt. Unfortunately, she took me with her. She weighs 109 lbs., almost as much as I do, so I landed flat on my face on the gravel path. A very kind young man named Rusty from Ben Lomond was driving on his way to go surfing. When he saw what happened, he got out of his truck. Not only did he help me get back on my feet, he walked me and Molly home. Thank you, Rusty, for your act of kindness. Perhaps one day I can help you in return.

Dianne Kessler,




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