letters to the editor

Heartfelt thanks to firefighters, community supporters

We’d like to thank all firefighters who came to our aid.

We also want to thank everybody who has supported us in dealing with this tragedy, including the GoFundMe account and the local electrician union #332 for all their hard work and showing up to help a brother.

Special thanks to Brent Bonham and Michelle Shedlarski, as well as to Drew Penner and the Press Banner.

Mark Livingston, Mary MacGregor, Yoda and Tank

Felton locals defend SLV Water District, urge unity

We are saddened by Debra Loewen’s letter (“Leadership and Financial Oversight Failures Plague SLV Water District,” Aug. 9), which makes wild, baseless and hateful accusations against the San Lorenzo Valley Water District.

SLVWD Board members are talented, hardworking and skilled valley residents and neighbors receiving a very modest stipend for the thousands of hours they dedicate to furthering the best interests of the District and its ratepayers.

Loewen’s accusation that the Board “blindly rubber stamps bad management decisions” is insulting and flatly untrue. She appears bent on sowing discord and mistrust when all of us need to be pulling together to tackle the many daunting challenges we are facing, including recovery from the CZU fire and winter storms, long-delayed maintenance, fire preparedness and woefully insufficient funding.

Instead of spreading disinformation, let’s all pull together to solve these problems that affect every one of us in this beautiful valley.

Jim Mosher, Larry Ford and April Zilber

We welcome letters to the editor and commentaries on all topics of local interest. Email your submissions to rc****@we*****.com. Letters must include the writer’s name and hometown (for publication) and phone number (for verification). Submissions may be edited, and will be published as space permits. Letters are limited to about 300 words, commentaries to 500 words.

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