Scotts Valley first responders are lifesavers
The afternoon of June 28, my wife had a cardiac arrest at our home in Scotts Valley. Paramedics and fire rescue arrived in what seemed like seconds. They worked on her for roughly 12 minutes and were able to get her pulse back.
At that point, she was prepped and transported to the Dominican ICU. She is home now after six weeks of hospital stays and doing well.
Without the quick response and care of the Scotts Valley fire and paramedic teams, I would have lost the love of my life. Thank you just doesn’t say enough for saving my wonderful wife of 23 years.
We now have more years to look forward to thanks to an amazing team that did not give up on her. Thank you to all that were involved.
Kenneth Johnson
Scotts Valley
The necessity for modernization
As a resident of Scotts Valley, I have witnessed the amazing services that our local firefighters provide everyday. From the CZU complex in 2020, to the daily needs of our community, they have always delivered a service above the rest.
Hearing about the condition of their current fire station and the needs they will have in the future, has reminded me that the community has not given back for all that they do day in and day out. The time has come for us to take ownership in the services that they provide and the facilities that they respond from.
I encourage everyone to look into the information that they have put together, explaining the need to request assistance from their community. Measure W will give our firefighters the ability to respond safely and efficiently. In addition, it will give our community a modernized fire station and will support the public safety needs of everyone who lives in and around Scotts Valley.
Take pride in your community, vote yes on Measure W.
Tessa DeFranco
Scotts Valley
Voters should do their research
Republicans are red, Democrats are blue, they can’t get together, so what can we do? Faith is a choice. Either you believe or you don’t. Christianity or Buddhism or Muslim or more.
Learn all you can, listen for your truth. Don’t try to accomplish something as did John Wilkes Booth.
Find the answers you’re seeking by listening, reading, not just speaking. The reason we have law and order is to ensure peace at home, including our borders.
Please do your research the best you can. Then go out and vote for the best choice. Be it a woman or a man.
Carole Ann Mello
Ben Lomond
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