Lew Farris - New SLV Water District Board Member

Felton resident Lew Farris was unanimously chosen as a new director by the San Lorenzo Valley Water District Board from a field of eight worthy applicants. Farris has worn several hats in his long career that lend well to serving as a board member. He formerly worked at Beckman Instruments in the Clinical Division, where he received guidance from skilled mentors. One mentor asked only that at some point in his life he give back and invest in someone else’s future. Lew says that working for the community, is exactly that. “I want to listen to what people say because the District serves the ratepayers,” Farris said. He values inclusivity and meets with members of the public regularly. He is interested in how water systems, society and human interactions work and feels that joint opinions make for better, well-rounded decisions. 
Lew received the 2018 Individual Be the Difference Award from the Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County for his work at the County Coroner’s Office. Additionally, he received a California Legislature Assembly Certificate of Recognition, signed by the honorable Mark Stone (29th Assembly District) in honor of receiving the award. The award was based on a recommendation by the County Medical Examiner, Dr. Stephany Fiore, for “his outstanding work compiling data for epidemiological studies of various types of deaths in Santa Cruz County.” Lew has been volunteering in the Coroner’s Office for the last 2½ years.
Lew knows a lot about water, pipes and tanks. His work in scientific-based, health care field, gave him an inside look at purifying water, effects of water on different materials, knowledge of planned maintenance, and cost-effective engineering and planning. He is dedicated to fiscal responsibility and cares about the environment.
A month into the job, Farris is getting to know and work with the other board members. “We are working together to get the Water District financially stabilized and to make sure our infrastructure is upgraded and maintained. It is an everyday job,” he said. Farris is a realist with a positive outlook for the district.
You may contact Lew Farris at: 831-335-5174 and [email protected]
Chris Moran is a writer and grower of Tall Bearded Irises at Brook Lomond Iris Farm. She was recently published in Adventure Cyclist Magazine.

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