Jim Mosher shows where green space will be developed in Felton.

What currently looks like and overgrown vacant lot is lovingly being transformed into a nature sanctuary to adjoin the new Felton Library.
With visions of a space that encourages environmental activities, the Valley Women’s Club, Felton Library Friends, Santa Cruz County Parks and San Lorenzo Valley Water District are restoring the majority of the two-acre library parcel.
Green after the recent rains, the long-vacant pastoral scene actually stifles the natural flora and fauna.
“It may look neat but it’s a virtual desert under there,” said Linda Skeff, director of the San Lorenzo Valley Restoration Project.
“We’re trying to integrate the needs of the community with the needs of nature.”
Once completed sometime in 2018, the entire parcel will house a 9,300 square-foot-library and outdoor exploration park for environmental enthusiasts. The county owns the land, the library will be built with Measure S funds, and Felton Library Friends are raising funds for the nature area.
Where there should be native trees such as dogwood, oak and willow, near Bull Creek and water district property, Himalayan Blackberry bramble, a noxious weed and invasive species, is pervasive. 
Skeff, who also serves on the board of the Valley Women’s Club, is spearheading restoration efforts that will result in the area flourishing.
An eight-person team from the California Conservation Corps (CCC) recently spent five days removing blackberries.
The project was co-sponsored by the water district and women’s club.
In addition, as part of a women’s club effort, the restoration program has written a grant  proposal to bring in a dozen members of AmeriCorps for a nine-week stint of non-native plant removal shortly after the first of the year.
“We will integrate all aspects of education about nature,” said Nancy Gerdt, speaking for Felton Library Friends
She said a major fund-raising event is being planned for May. “It’s going to take a lot of community support.”

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