Georgia Randle

Georgia Randle has ridden horse patrol at WilderState Park for over 25 years. She also certified new volunteers and their horses, logging over 100 hours each year. On Thursday, February 18, at 7:00 p.m. at Henry Cowell State Park Visitor Center, she will be awarded the “Golden Poppy” award from the California State Parks. She will also receive a proclamation from Santa CruzCounty during this event for her generous service in behalf of Santa CruzCounty.
Randle announced her retirement as the volunteer coordinator for WilderState Park horse patrol volunteers. She will continue her involvement with WilderState Park as an historical interpreter for Ranch Kids Days, special holiday events and the Gold Coast Arabians’ annual horse show.
This well-respected resident of Bonny Doon has been an active volunteer for over 40 years.

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