On November 18, a public meeting, “The Politics of Pot,” was held in Ben Lomond at the Highlands Park Senior Center. The new law “The Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act,” and how it will relate to Santa CruzCounty, and particularly in the Santa CruzMountains, was the subject of discussion.
Although there were representatives from both pro and con positions present, the 200 people that were present shared their thoughts and feelings about the topic with respect.
The future of commercial cannabis cultivation and updates on the current status of County policies and the rules governing the processing of cannabis were shared with the community members that were present at the forum.
After the Board of Supervisors rescinded their cannabis ordinance and reverted to stricter rules, they appointed 13 members to the newly- created County Cannabis Cultivation Committee (C4) to come up with policy recommendations of how to go forward. Eric Hammer, Brookdale, and Kim Sammet, Ben Lomond, two of the 13 appointees, were present to accept comments from the public before final recommendations are made to the Board of Supervisors.
Sammet said there was a consensus against a ban and for some sort of licensing scheme. Dropping the plant count in favor of a grow site size measure to determine what would be permitted on various parcels was favored, according to Sammet.
Hammer urged the community to support reasonable regulations that would enable the County to manage the developing medical cannabis industry. He also reminded those present how important it is to protect the environment.
The Cannabis Advocates Alliance co-founder, Pat Malo, stressed that it was important for locals to stay united in their efforts to maintain the quality and supply of medical cannabis for their member patients.
Other prominent local experts and advocates were on hand to provide updates on the newly-signed California legislation as well the various proposed initiatives to legalize the commercial cultivation and sale of cannabis throughout the State. It is anticipated this will be on the ballot in November 2016.

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