The Mountain Gardener: Make your winter garden a visual feast
Outside my window, there’s a feast going on. The gingko trees are clothed in bright yellow leaves, but soon, they will drop every leaf on almost the same day and cover the ground like carpeting. It’s a feast for the eyes.
Talk about Money: A dicey time to bond
A lot of high-income people live in Scotts Valley, and they pay a lot of taxes.
Your Health: Treat little ones’ cough, cold with care
Over-the-counter cough and cold medications to alleviate cold symptoms in young children are being largely withdrawn from pharmacy shelves. This is because of unintentional misuse or overdose of these medications causing harm and, rarely, death, especially in children younger than 2.
Chasing a goal
Students circled the track Wednesday, Dec. 9, during a Turkey Trot fundraiser by Michele Sanguinetti’s third-grade class at Vine Hill Elementary School in Scotts Valley.
Guard-friendly Cougars look toward basket
The San Lorenzo Valley varsity boys basketball team opened practice Monday night, Dec. 7, by running more than a dozen suicides — sprints from baseline to free-throw line, half court, the opposite free-throw line and the opposite baseline. In between suicides, the varsity team shot free throws.
PeeWees win championship
The PeeWee Falcon football team made history last weekend by winning the first Police Athletic League Championship in Scotts Valley.
News Briefs | Published March 7, 2025
RTC to host Informational Community Session on bridge infrastructure
Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) is hosting an Informational Community Session on bridge infrastructure...