The valleys’ most valuable
Scotts Valley’s Aldin Barrett and San Lorenzo Valley’s Kyle Todd were named Santa Cruz Coast Athletic League Most-Valuable Players this week.
SV runner takes 11th at state
Scotts Valley freshman Vanessa Fraser took 11th at the California Interscholastic Federation State cross country championships in Fresno to cap the 2009 season for local runners.
Let’s Go Fishing: A tour off Baja is a fishing trip to remember
It is not often you get an invite to fish your way down the Baja coastline aboard a sport fishing yacht.
Mountain Gardener: Christmas cacti are a perfect plant for the season
Every year, I’m amazed how many flowers appear almost overnight on my Christmas cacti. They bloom their heads off, despite little care on my part. The show will continue for a month or more. They are the perfect plant, in my opinion.
The Wine Lover: A spirited gift
What is Christmas without wine? Wine has been an important part of the Christmas tradition for hundreds of years. Even Jesus himself enjoyed a glass here and there.
It’s the Law: ‘Chicken Man’ tackles feathered nuisance
Some years ago, my wife, Renae, put our baby daughter in a pack and went to take a walk. But pecking and pooping peacefully upon our lawn was a flock of common domestic fowl whose mortal enemy is a colonel in Kentucky.
News Briefs | Published March 7, 2025
RTC to host Informational Community Session on bridge infrastructure
Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) is hosting an Informational Community Session on bridge infrastructure...