The Mountain Gardener: Easy ways to save rainwater, slow runoff
With so much rain this winter, it's easy to forget just how precious water is. But globally, water is the new oil.
Nature friendly: Pogonip is the crown jewel of the Santa Cruz greenbelt
A piercing raptor’s cry comes out of the sky and disrupts the peace along Spring Trail in Pogonip. Peter Scott calls out, “Red-shouldered hawk!”
Donna Lind, a lady with a big heart and a big job
Scotts Valley's new Mayor, Donna Lind, has several high priority projects that require more than just her organizational skills to make them happen. To do what she is planning, requires someone who really cares about the success of the project's outcomes. Although her greatest concern is the governance of the City of Scotts Valley, her vision is focused on the welfare of each segment of the community.
Submit Datebook items to [email protected], or drop off press releases or photos at 5215 Scotts Valley Drive, Ste. F, Scotts Valley 95066. Deadline is 5 p.m. Tuesday. Entries are subject to editing, and publication is not guaranteed.
Your Health: Learning about my cancer
I would like to begin this week’s article with a deeply sincere appreciation for the outpouring of emails, cards, well wishes and words of encouragement from my readers, patients, friends, family and even strangers. This support will go a long way in getting me through my recent diagnosis of multiple myeloma. I’ve survived my first two weeks of chemotherapy and feel fine, except for the persistent back pain.
Adding Fragrant Plants to the Garden
It was an especially fragrant bouquet of roses on my dining table this week that got me thinking about what an incredible thing our sense of smell is. It’s the only sense that has a direct connection to our brains. We can detect at least a trillion distinct scents. Our scent cells are renewed every 30 to 60 days. Some of the most pleasurable scents, according to recent research, include vanilla, some orange scents, cinnamon, crayons and cookies. I don’t have any crayon or cookie scented flowers but wouldn’t that be a great addition in the garden?
Final paving, striping on Highway 9 continues this week
A major maintenance paving project continues on Highway 9 between El Solyo Heights Drive in Felton and California Drive in Ben Lomond.
Travelers on Highway...