53.9 F
Scotts Valley
October 17, 2024

State attempts to help educators during Common Core transition

Ever since California implemented Common Core standards for public education, there has been a change in the way information is presented to students.As with all things, change brings about a learning curve on how to best implement the new program. The evolution in workbooks and overall curriculum only started to become noticeable to parents during the last school year.Common Core standards, which began to take root in 2009, aim to better prepare students for real life by improving their comprehension of language arts and math.Last week, California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson announced an updated online publication to aid teachers in their transition to Common Core.“California is leading the nation by developing an integrated ELA/ELD Framework and making it widely available. This will help improve literacy instruction, a critical element of preparing California students for college and careers in the 21st century,” Torlakson said.According to Educational Therapist Cheryl Ruyle, Common Core is a necessary transition for students. And the change has even impacted her private practice in Scotts Valley.“The hardest part about teaching to the new standards is getting parents to understand what the standards are all about,” she said. “It’s just a huge, mental shift for parents — we didn’t learn this way, and we don’t know why our kids have to.”Part of the reason for the transition to Common Core is because today’s world exists in a digital age, where information is exchanged rapidly. The ways of the past no longer apply, and overall understanding of how things work together is now more crucial than ever.In her years of teaching, Ruyle observed that the students focus on memorizing the information, rather than comprehending it fully. And Common Core’s goal is to improve comprehension.“The process of reading a text, analyzing it, and taking notes for “The Great Gatsby” is at its core the same process of reading, analyzing, and taking notes for one’s science text book,” Ruyle said. “But students have trouble seeing the connection. They learn skills in isolation, and rarely learn to connect their content across subjects.”The most recent online update Torlakson unveiled specifically focuses on the English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework for California Public Schools (ELA/ELD Framework), which was originally implemented by the State Board of Education in 2014.The improvements, promised to be user-friendly, can be found online at www.cde.ca.gov/ci/rl/cf/elaeldfrmwrksbeadopted.asp.And though the improved framework is aimed to assist all students, Ruyle said that not everyone learns in the same way. In her practice, Ruyle faces students with learning differences, who tend to have the most trouble with the higher thinking expected from Common Core.“The difficulty of being a teacher is always having to find that middle ground, where you are targeting the “average” student and then differentiating for students who need more support and students who need more of a challenge,” she said. To delve further into Common Core and learn how to teach it, visit the government’s www.digitalchalkboard.org. The website, targeted for teachers, is open to explore. Homeschool and alternative education families may also glean from this resource.Be prepared to spend some time learning while there. From a quick look, Ruyle said she noticed it would take language arts teachers 27 hours of lessons to complete two ELA and Assessment modules. That learning time can become even longer for a teacher who works with non-native speakers.“I don’t see a lot of teachers being able to devote that amount of time to working through the modules, unless they were given specific professional development days to do so,” said Ruyle. “The modules seem like a good idea in theory — there are online discussion boards where teachers can collaborate together on teaching to the new standards — but I question how often teachers will actually use this.”For more information about the most current Common Core developments at California Department of Education (CDE), and Tom Torlakson, follow the organization at cde.ca.gov, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.To learn about Ruyle, visit www.cherylruyle.com

Demolition at Brookdale Lodge

On October 7, 2011, Brookdale Lodge suffered substantial fire damage. On October 7, 2015, we still do not know the details of how that fire started at Brookdale Lodge, but we are finally seeing the burned sections of the lodge being torn down. Call this stage one of a renovation plan to restore the historic beauty of this landmark.

“How do you say “Howdy” in Mandarin?

Some of the people of Asia, especially the Chinese and the South Koreans, have been experiencing a huge growth in their middle classes. As a result, more people are now able to afford foreign travel. Just as the Europeans, after recuperating from World War II, have been coming here for decades, now with the Asian economy having improved during the past 20 or so years, we are seeing many more people visiting from the Far East, especially from China and South Korea.Felton’s Roaring Camp Railroad has had to increase the number of trains that they run in June, July and August because the peak vacation season for the visitors is the same as ours, according to Joanne Hirasaki, Director of Sales & Marketing. They have had to add non-scheduled trains to accommodate the visitors and the “train robbery” has become mandatory for these enthusiastic fans of the Old West cowboy-era visitors.Another factor encouraging travel to the United States is that the length of time a visa is valid has been increased from three years to 10 years. The U.S. Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs’ website section, “The Straight Facts on U.S. Visas in China” states: “From FY2006 to FY2014, the non-immigrant visas issued to Chinese nationals increased more the 462%.” “Non-immigrant” or “B” visas are defined as business and tourist visas.According to Hirasaki, the increase in longevity for a visa from three years to 10 years, the huge growth in the middle classes, more air service to California, and more tour companies offering trips to the U.S. account for more Asian tourists. San Francisco has China Southern, China Eastern, Air China, Cathay Pacific, Singapore Airlines, China Airlines and Korean Airlines flying in from the cities of Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Xiamen, Beijing, Singapore, and Taiwan. There are more flights coming into Los Angeles as well. As of June 2015, Hainan Airlines is flying from Beijing into San Jose International.She also commented that the Asians are attracted to the beauty of our natural wonders. Our redwood forests are of great interest to them. Just as for many Europeans, the Western-style cowboy culture with the train robbery and a barbecue dinner is a huge draw. Photo ops with conductors, engineers, and engines are always popular. Since almost all the younger visitors understand English, the tours are given in English. However, in the event there is a need, they do have written material in Mandarin.Finally, with a population of 1,365,090,000 people as of June 2014, China is the world’s most populous country and also the world’s second largest economy. Although there has been a recent downturn in their stock market, in the opinion of Franklin Templeton, the prediction is that their market will recoup. Their forecast is that in the next decade China will become the world’s largest economic power. No doubt we will be seeing even more Chinese tourists in the future.

Council should have taken a stand


Ben Lomond’s river rescue heroes

During the recent five-year drought — when the San Lorenzo River moved at scarcely a trickle — the Ben Lomond Fire District’s swift water rescue team continued to train, and ready themselves for the inevitable swift water rescue action.

Track athletes to showcase talent at CCS

The Central Coast Section will be holding the qualifying track meet this weekend on Saturday May 21, at Gilroy High school. Athletes from the Santa Cruz Coast Athletic League will be representing the county and a healthy portion of those will be from the Valleys.

Pet contest – Rocky

The truth about juice

Everybody should eat a diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables. These plant foods are rich in fiber, phytonutrients, and antioxidants—all of which are associated with improved health and longevity. Unfortunately, these benefits do not carry over to juice.

Home & Garden: The Mountain Gardener: Planning for the dry season, Step 1: Lose the lawn

Front and center in the news and in your garden is the drought and what you can do about it in your own landscape. If you’ve dabbled before with replacing thirsty plants with climate-appropriate low-water-use California native plants or those from areas similar to ours, this is the year to step up your efforts.

At the Heart of the Arts

There is a tendency to view our local artists through the long-standing stereotypical lenses as being lofty dreamers and flaky hippy types who need to “get a real job.” However, this caricature grossly misrepresents the myriad of visual and performing artists working and living in the San LorenzoValley and ScottsValley areas. I was fortunate to recently interview local artist, Linda A. Levy in her art studio in an attempt to take a behind-the-scenes peek into the lives, work, and inspiration of one of our local artists. 



Candidates take center stage in San Lorenzo Valley Water District Board...

With the November election just weeks away, residents are facing an onslaught of information regarding candidates and ballot measures. Previously, the Press Banner focused...