Close the parks? AS if that would really work
We’ve heard some say that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s plan to close almost all of California’s state parks and beaches is just a negotiating ploy in the eternal budget battle. That had better be the case, because there are more than a few reasons why it could never work.
Barbara Nancy (Martin) Guerrero Barbara Nancy (Martin) Guerrero made her way to heaven on June 9, 2015.Barbara was born July 23, 1941 in Syracuse, New York, where she grew up. In her early 20’s, her adventuresome sprit took her to San Francisco where she spent many years pursuing various occupations and eventually marrying. Barbara moved to Bakersfield in 1975 raising her five children.She was very creative. She enjoyed needlepoint and loved helping her kids redecorate their rooms in whatever colors they wanted. Barbara managed a clothing store; was co-owner of a diet food store; helped to manage El Chile Verde restaurant; and enjoyed many years working as a saleswoman at Best Rents. Barbara willingly relocated to help raise her grandchildren. She spent time living in Clovis and Fresno, taking care of her grandson. Eventually Barbara moved to Flagstaff, where she spent the balance of her years helping to raise her granddaughters. She also spent time in Santa Cruz with her baby granddaughter. She loved her animals and considered them to be her ‘children.’ Barbara had many friends in Flagstaff including people that lived in her apartment complex and her various doctors and therapists. Barbara’s family has received many condolences from these people. Barbara loved her children and grandchildren deeply and to her they were her greatest accomplishment. She was so proud of everything they did and was always their strongest supporter. She leaves behind two sons Emmett Guerrero and Tomas Guerrero, three daughters MaryAnn (Ron) Froehlich, Jennifer Guerrero and Christine (Karl) Rohrkemper and grandchildren, Jordan, Alec, Sage, Madison, Tanner and Stoli. Barbara is truly missed by those closest to her.
New Faces (March 6, 2015)
Everett Kekoa McCutchen, a 6-pound 14-ounce boy, was born to Emily Marla and Brian Anthony McCutchen of Scotts Valley at Dominican Hospital in Santa Cruz. He was born at 12:02 p.m. on March 1, 2015.
Fighting Hunger, Feeding Hope
In a region with the fifth-highest cost of living in the country, many Santa Cruz County residents struggle to afford rent, utility bills, medicine, or car repairs. While poverty is greater in other parts of the County, in our two valleys income also is too often inadequate to cover basic needs. Frequently hunger is a result.Of the 15 percent of County residents living in poverty, 35 percent or 29,000 are consistently unable to buy enough food. In our valleys, each week more than 400 meals are served and more than 1,000 individuals are given food to prepare for their families.Regrettably, roughly 7,500 people in our county are eligible for CalFresh (formerly Food Stamps) but do not take advantage of the program. Organizations such as Second Harvest Food Bank and Community Bridges are working to increase participation. For those who are ineligible for CalFresh or who need additional assistance, there is plenty of help throughout our valleys.Valley Churches United Missions distributes food five days a week, giving out roughly 2,500 bags a month. Pantries serving smaller clientele occur weekly at Mountain Community Resources (MCR) in Felton (part of the Community Bridges Family Resource Collective), and in Scotts Valley at St. Philip’s Episcopal, GateWay Bible Church, and the Catholic Community of San Agustin. All of these programs aim for a good mix of produce, protein, and other essentials. Felton Presbyterian and St. John’s Catholic Church serve delicious hot meals weekly, SS Peter and Paul Orthodox and Redwood Christian Center do so monthly. Seniors have the additional options of Meals on Wheels (Community Bridges) and weekly food bags from Grey Bears.While these programs differ in their offerings, their suppliers, and their funding, two common features are their reliance on volunteers — hundreds of them — and their effort to address needs other than food. Valley Churches provides a range of services, including financial assistance, disaster relief, and vouchers for transportation and clothing. MCR’s programs include help with CalFresh and Covered California applications, classes for parents, and advocacy for individual needs. Second Harvest provides nutrition education countywide and the other organizations help with everything from utility bills to free showers. Each one strives to provide a welcoming environment, fellowship, and encouragement — GateWay’s motto is “Fighting Hunger, Feeding Hope.”At this time of holiday celebrations with friends and family, we may also celebrate our area’s commitment to those in need. If we are able, we might wish to donate to one of the organizations running these programs, knowing that our gift will directly benefit individuals struggling in this expensive county. Paul Machlis volunteers with the MCR Food Pantry and compiles the monthly list of food programs.
Falcons win in sweeping fashion at CCS Cross Country Championships
The Central Coast Section Championships were called off last year because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
That meant Scotts Valley High cross country stars Jeremy Kain and Ashlyn Boothby, two of the Santa Cruz Coast Athletic League’s premier runners, didn’t get a shot at a section...
Cougars snag last-second win under the lights
A game-winning touchdown pass with seconds remaining sent the fans home happy last week at San Lorenzo Valley High.
Athletic boosters ask SVUSD to co-sign loan
Leaders of the campaign to build new athletic fields at Scotts Valley High School are asking the Scotts Valley Unified School District to co-sign a loan up to $4 million to allow construction of new track and stadium to begin this summer at Scotts Valley High School.
News Briefs | Published March 7, 2025
RTC to host Informational Community Session on bridge infrastructure
Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) is hosting an Informational Community Session on bridge infrastructure...