Santa Cruz County expects to give the administrative green light next week to the reopening of the motel/retail portion of the historic Brookdale Lodge. Owner Pravin Patel of Scotts Valley said he plans to open 46 completely renovated motel rooms and retail space of the Brookdale Inn and Spa by “mid-summer.”
Like the towering redwoods that surround it, the 126-year-old Highway 9 landmark in Brookdale has survived fires, winds, floods and earthquakes, and damage from thoughtless humans. Closed for more than four years, it has continued to be a centerpiece of the Brookdale community and a continuing source of lore and legends in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
Patel, who purchased the 8.5 acre complex that straddles Highway 9 in 2014 for $2.75 million, said he expects to invest up to $7 million in the first two phases of his renovation and restoration project.
The motel rooms in two southern buildings with up to 10 retail spaces are the first phase, which is expected to receive administrative approval by county planners next week. New windows, walls, doors, floors, carpets, tiles and fixtures are being installed in every room, he said.
“This community wants this place opened,” he said. “I want to restore the nostalgic feeling of the lodge” with modern interiors.
The repairs and reopening of the spectacular dining room, split by free-running Clear Creek, will be the centerpiece of next year’s second phase, which will require additional approvals.
The lodge was built in 1890 on the site of a lumber mill to house workers. Then it expanded to become a romantic retreat for gangsters and movie stars, including Marilyn Monroe and James Dean, then a popular spot for weddings and family birthday parties. The glass-walled swimming pool still stands and will be retained and restored, Patel said.
Patel, who lives near the Pasatiempo Golf Club, is the owner of two motels in Santa Cruz: the 80-unit Days Inn at 600 Riverside Avenue and the 37-unit Pacific Inn at 330 Ocean Street.
He acknowledged that managing the rebirth of the historic Brookdale property is challenging. The property, damaged by vandals, vagrants and unsavory tenants, had to cleared of all tenants, fire- and weather-damaged buildings had to be repaired or demolished, and the entire site was secured with alarms, fences and now has its own on-site manager. The facility also has its own sewage treatment plant, which had to be repaired.
Patel’s vision is for a family-friendly motel with thriving restaurant, retail and entertainment components. He envisions shuttles to and from the beach, and partnerships with local attractions. He said he has fallen in love with the place.
“Just look at this setting,” he said.
The new owner said he is legally blocked from using the Brookdale Lodge name, and will use the Brookdale Inn and Spa as the current name.