Road to recovery made shorter through love, prayers
Some of you kind folks have asked me how I was doing health wise. I’m happy to report that I’ve been in remission for several months from the multiple myeloma cancer first diagnosed 4 years ago. This was recently confirmed with a normal bone marrow exam. Apparently the last chemo treatment I received from last fall to this spring, worked quite well for knocking down the cancer. Hopefully the remission will last as long as possible. I’m on no chemo treatment at the present time. It’s nice to have a break.
That’s the good news for which I rejoice. The not quite as good news is that for the past two months I’ve been afflicted with yet another problem which my doctors have said may or may not be related to the cancer. I now have a condition called (get ready) “Chronic inflammatory demylinating polyneuropathy”. This is a condition where my immune system, for whatever reason, is attacking the protective covering of my nerves. What it has done to me is to make the neuropathy in my feet worse than ever, made my legs so weak that I couldn’t climb one step or to be able to walk without using a walker, and completely blocked my sense of taste. I have received a specialized treatment for this disorder and am very slowly seeing a little improvement especially in the leg weakness and lack of taste. I hope and pray to see continued improvement.
So as of now I’m fairly housebound since I can’t drive yet, but I have a wonderful caregiver who stops in 3 times a week and is able to drive me to appointments or to any shopping I need to do. My dear wife Beth, in spite of her full time teaching job, is also a great caregiver. I’m so fortunate to have this help. I also have several fantastic male friends who are faithfully visiting me and helping with tasks both inside and outside of the house.
I still enjoy doing the health articles and hope to continue to do so as long as I am able. I can’t tell you how much I have appreciated your good healing thoughts and prayers and hope they will continue.

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