Students’ winning sticker designs that were given out at the College and Career Fair. (Contributed)

San Lorenzo Valley High School played host to more than 45 different colleges, universities, state agencies and local businesses at the annual SLVHS College and Career Fair on March 19.

Students browsed the tables staffed by participating groups; their feedback was positive, and several students walked away with pamphlets and a brighter vision for life after high school:

“I really enjoyed the interactive and engaging booths at the Fair,” said Brody. While Olivia stated, “There were a lot of cool places that I had never heard of before and watching the pull-up contest was awesome!” Violet added, “Talking one-on-one with the representatives and getting to ask about their specific programs and what I can do with those majors was extremely valuable.” “I’m excited about talking to the local employers, trades and career pathways at the fair,” shared Lucas. And, Riley said, “I am looking forward to learning about what kind of agricultural programs are available.”

Charlotte Achen, the school’s College and Career Specialist, has overseen this annual event for  eight years, and was thrilled with the responses she received from students and those businesses who staged a booth at the fair.

“At the first fair in 2017, we had just 15 organizations present and were just focused on colleges. The following year the fair grew and brought in trades, local employers and community organizations. Now we typically have 40 to 50 organizations present,” Achen said. “For many students, this is their first introduction to career pathways and a wide variety of opportunities in our community. In terms of impact, having one-on-one interactions with potential career interests can help inspire students to pursue them after graduation.”

Achen provided one such example: several alumni, who were first introduced to the Electricians Union, IBEW 234, at the College and Career fair, became electricians after graduating.

“Every year I try to introduce something new, and this year we held a contest for students to design a sticker to be given out at the fair, which was a great success,” Achen said.

SLVHS Principal Jeff Calden was equally pleased with the results.

“The College and Career Fair is one of SLV High’s best events each year,” Calden said. “Our gym is filled with colleges, trades and local businesses, all coming to support and give information to students about the many possible choices out there for them as they leave high school.”

Achen shared some data on the Class of 2024 in relation to the College and Career Fair:

  • 32% are attending a four-year college or university;
  • 53% are attending a community college; and
  • 15% are on a career-orientated path, which includes taking a gap year, going straight into the workforce, enlisting into the military, etc.
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Christina Wise covers politics, education, art & culture, and housing issues. She has a degree in Communication from San Diego State University, and has lived in the San Lorenzo Valley since 1996. She's a community advocate and a mother of two.


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