I can’t believe that our schools have become so overcrowded due to the cutbacks. There are not enough teachers, so that classes must double up, with first and second grades together, etc., in one class with one teacher — and thank God for the volunteers that help these overworked teachers. All due to cutbacks, because we can not afford to give our children an education that they deserve!
But we can afford to pay our overpaid people with government positions. They have the best of benefits, retirement, health care, $600 shoes, but we can’t afford teachers for our children. What is wrong with this picture?
I think what we should do is put an ad in the paper for our government positions. Give them the same pay that they pay teachers. Give them the same benefits that they give teachers and the same retirement. Let them work a two-year term, and then on to the next one.
Maybe then, we would be able to save this poor country due to overpaid government people and save our schools which teach our children, which will be our future.
Let’s get our country in order — maybe not vote for anyone running, and they might just get the hint.
Penny Golding, Ben Lomond