This summer the Scotts Valley public library is set to draw $500,000 in Measure S funds for facility improvements.
Measure S, a ballot measure to fund new libraries and/or library improvements, was approved by a two-thirds majority of Santa Cruz County voters last June.
Under Measure S homeowners are taxed about $50 annually, for a period not exceeding 30 years. Business owners are assessed $86 a year.
The 13,000-square-foot Scotts Valley library opened in June of 2011, and is located on Kings Village Road, across from Cavallaro Transit Center.
Scotts Valley is expected to receive $3 million in bond proceeds.
Felton received $919,598 of the $8.7 million targeted toward its new $8.7 million library earlier this year. The remainder is expected this summer.
In January library director Susan Nemitz held public meetings at the county’s 10 libraries to gather input on how the money should be spent.
That information was then passed along to the Council Library Facility Upgrade Committee.
The results of those meetings were provided to the county board of supervisors and various cities. The Scotts Valley City Council approved the suggested improvements during its March 1 meeting.
“Priority improvements include addressing noise levels in the library through sound-attenuation equipment and repairing roof leaks which were exacerbated from recent storms,” wrote City Manager Jenny Haruyama in her report to the council.
“Other key projects involve replacing the building’s existing HVAC (heating and air conditioning) system as it is reaching the end of its life cycle, implementing a keyless entry system and security cameras to monitor entry and exit points, and resealing, striping and repair of the library parking lot.”
Improvements are part of a three-year planning effort.
If there are remaining funds left after the completion of the changes, the subcommittee will return to the city council with recommended projects for consideration.

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