San Lorenzo Valley High School’s class of 2013 graduated on Friday, June 14. Below are the colleges students will attend and the awards they garnered for their efforts.
Melissa Allen (Cabrillo College): Golden State Seal Merit; Laptop computer from San Lorenzo Valley Rotary
Alex Alvarez (CSU Monterey Bay)
Jake Anaya (West Valley College): $250 SLV Arts Educational Scholarship
Terra Andrade (UCSC): Commendation for Environmental Research; Senior Exit Portfolio honors
Ella Armstrong (Gap year in Costa Rica): Senior Exit Portfolio honors
Ryan Barton (San Francisco State University)
Corinna Bazzano: Omega Nu of Santa Cruz renewable $1,000 scholarship; California Scholarship Federation membership; Link Crew award
Ethan Bentley (Cabrillo College): ROP Video Productions award; National Honor Society
Wesley Benton (Cabrillo College): Cougar Club $500 scholarship; California Scholarship Federation membership; National Honor Society; Golden State Seal Merit
Robert Biagiotti (Cabrillo College): SLV AP Biology award; Golden State Seal Merit; $200 National Football Foundation Scholar-Athlete award
Dylan Bie: Senior Exit Portfolio honors
Quinn Bisaillon (Cabrillo College): Golden State Seal Merit; $5,000 award from Cabrillo College
Cameron Bishop (Cabrillo College)
Erik Bracken (Portland Community College): Golden State Seal Merit; $11,000 Pell Grant
Stephen Bracken (Cabrillo College): Golden State Seal Merit; $15,000 Pell Grant
Alexandria Broman (Cabrillo College)
Chad Broughton (Cabrillo College)
Aiden Brown (Sonoma State University): ASB award
Chance Bounds (George Fox University): Golden State Seal Merit; ASB award; $66,500 award from George Fox University
Jonathan Bukowski (Virginia Military Institute): Full four-year U.S. Army ROTC National Scholarship; California Scholarship Federation membership; National Honor Society; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; Link Crew award; $1,000 Phelps Memorial Scholarship
Spencer Burke: SLV Fashion Design award; Golden State Seal Merit
Theresa Bustamantez (Cabrillo College): Cougar Club $50 scholarship; Kirsten Wetterhorn Memorial $250 scholarship; Valley Women’s Club of SLV $1,200 scholarship; SLV Alumni Association $500 scholarship; Omega Nu of Santa Cruz renewable $500 scholarship
Taylor Cady (Cabrillo College): Cougar Club $50 scholarship; Link Crew award
John Camacho (Cabrillo College)
Monica Chestnut (CSU Channel Islands): Senior Exit Portfolio honors; ASB award
Marv Christiansen (SJSU): Golden State Seal Merit
Chris Connelly (Cabrillo College)
Max Cunningham (Boise State University): $9,400 award from Boise State University
Bryson Davis (Cabrillo College): ROP Construction Technology award
Emmy DiGirolamo (UC San Diego): SLV Journalism Award – Yearbook; National Honor Society; California Scholarship Federation Life and 100 percent membership; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; Golden State Seal Merit; $1,000 Phelps Memorial Scholarship; $300 award from Santa Cruz Elks Lodge No. 824; $1,800 renewable award from UC San Diego
Reanne Eames (Cosmo Factory)
Loren Edwards (Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo): SLV Outstanding Science Award; Commendation for Environmental Research; California Mathematics Council, Exemplary Achievement award; SLV Modern Literature award; SLV Journalism Award – Newspaper; California Scholarship Federation Life and 100 percent membership; National Honor Society; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; Golden State Seal Merit; $1,000 Phelps Memorial Scholarship; $200 Principal’s Award – Most Outstanding
Matthew Eshauer (Cabrillo College)
Julie Ferry (U.S. Air Force)
Kalia Fitzgerald (Cabrillo College)
Kendra Forst (UC Davis): California Scholarship Federation membership; Golden State Seal Merit; $1,000 Phelps Memorial Scholarship
Justine Francis (Cabrillo College): Senior Exit Portfolio honors; Golden State Seal Merit
Colin Fraser (Mission/West Valley College): Mary Lynn Painter $100 Scholarship
Taylor Froling (Sonoma State University): $1,000 LoudHeart Softball Scholarship; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; ASB award; $1,000 award from Sonoma State University
Jillian Fulton (Brigham Young University, Idaho): Senior Exit Portfolio honors
Brooke Fultz (Montana State University): SLV Honors Physics Award; Link Crew award; $200 Principal’s Award – Senior Achievement; renewable $8,000 award from Montana State University
Zachary Furness (Cabrillo College)
Shayne Gallegos (Cabrillo College)
Daniel Genis (UCSC): Cougar Club $50 scholarship; SLV Teachers Association $500 scholarship; Commendation for Environmental Research; SLV Outstanding Mathematics Award; California Scholarship Federation Life and 100 percent membership; National Honor Society; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; Golden State Seal Merit
Alexander Geranios (Cabrillo College): $500 Gerrity Family Trust Award; $1,000 Alvin Scarborough Scholarship; $1,000 Diane Prilliman Award
Samantha Getz (Brigham Young University, Provo): $1,000 Joseph A. Grabill Scholarship; Four Years of Perfect Attendance; ROP Engineering Design award; California Scholarship Federation Life and 100 percent membership; National Honor Society; $450 CSF/NHS scholarship; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; Link Crew award
Caleb Gibbs (Cabrillo College)
Ryland Gordon (Cabrillo College): SLV Drama Boosters $250 scholarship; Golden State Seal Merit
Tyler Greenly (Cabrillo College)
Morrea Grillo (UCSC): SLV Outstanding Mathematics Award
Nick Guarente (Cabrillo College)
Freya Halton (Cabrillo College)
Samantha Hansel: $200 Principal’s Award – Senior Achievement
Carter Hayes (Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo): Cougar Club $500 scholarship; Big Stick Surfing Association $500 scholarship; $300 Phil Sramek Soccer Scholarship; Boosters Club of SLVHS $500 scholarship; SLV Teachers Association $500 scholarship; SLV AP Calculus award; California Scholarship Federation Life and 100 percent membership; National Honor Society; Golden State Seal Merit; $1,000 Phelps Memorial Scholarship
Angela Hesse (Cabrillo College): $500 Mike Drake Award; SLV Journalism Award – Yearbook; ROP Most Outstanding award; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; $5,000 award from Cabrillo College; $2,000 Caldwell Flores Winters Foundation award
Robyn Hillendahl (Cabrillo College): Golden State Seal Merit
Kara Hoffman (Cabrillo College)
Russell Hofvendahl: Commendation for Environmental Research; Speech Club Honors; Golden State Seal Merit; $1,000 Phelps Memorial Scholarship; National Merit Commendation
Hailey Holm (CSU Stanislaus): Cougar Club $100 scholarship; Kirsten Wetterhorn Memorial $250 scholarship; Boosters Club of SLVHS $500 scholarship; SLV Alumni Association $500 scholarship; $500 Pteron Society Scholarship; Omega Nu of Santa Cruz renewable $1,500 scholarship; SLV Rotary $250 scholarship; $500 LoudHeart Softball Special Recognition award; $125 ROP Medical Technician Portfolio award; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; ASB award; Link Crew award; $200 Principal’s Award – Outstanding School Service; $500 award from CSU Stanislaus
Jennifer Housek (Cabrillo College): Sandhya U. Patel Charitable Foundation $500 scholarship; Senior Exit Portfolio honors
Eva Isaacson (SJSU): ROP Video Productions award; Golden State Seal Merit
Alexa Jobe (St. Mary’s College): Golden State Seal Merit; renewable $11,000 award from St. Mary’s College
Cody Johnson (University of Missouri): $3,000 Otis Chandler Memorial Scholarship; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; Golden State Seal Merit; ASB award; renewable $8,500 award from the University of Missouri
Karl Johnson (Cabrillo College): Cougar Club $500 scholarship; Boosters Club of SLVHS $500 scholarship; $500 Rev. S.H. Pang Memorial Scholarship; SLV Outstanding Mathematics Award; SLV Economics award; ROP Green Technology award; California Scholarship Federation membership; Golden State Seal Merit; ASB award; Link Crew award
Vidal Jones (University of Las Vegas)
Jeremiah Jurado (Cabrillo College)
Kristine Jurado (Cabrillo College)
Cameron Kellogg (CSU Monterey Bay): $1,000 Alvin Scarborough Scholarship; Athlete of the Year award; Link Crew award; $1,500 award from CSU Monterey Bay
Justine Kersten (Cabrillo College)
Benjamin Knudson (Cabrillo College): ASB award
Karina Kovacevich (Cabrillo College)
Michael Kraft (Cabrillo College): $500 Bill Martin Memorial Scholarship; $500 Jack Harray Memorial Scholarship; ROP Engineering Design award; California Scholarship Federation Life and 100 percent membership
Austin Kuhr (Cabrillo College): Laptop computer awarded from San Lorenzo Valley Rotary
Mitchell Lacy (Cabrillo College): Link Crew award
Emily Lamb (Southern Oregon University): Boosters Club of SLVHS $500 scholarship; California Scholarship Federation Life and 100 percent membership; Senior Exit Portfolio honors
Scott Lambaren (Cabrillo College): Cougar Club $100 scholarship; Valley Women’s Club of SLV $1,200 scholarship; $500 Boulder Creek Elementary Scholarship; Senior Exit Portfolio honors
Dayton Landry (Cabrillo College)
Richard LaPlante (Cal Poly Pomona): Golden State Seal Merit
Kathryn Lee (Cabrillo College)
Elijah Lim (Cabrillo College)
John Lucas (Cabrillo College)
Victoria Madison (CSU Long Beach): Service Employees International Union $150 scholarship; Cougar Club $100 scholarship; Big Stick Surfing Association $300 scholarship; Kirsten Wetterhorn Memorial $250 scholarship; Boulder Creek Odd Fellows $1,000 scholarship; $125 ROP Sports Medicine Portfolio award; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; ASB award; Link Crew award
Jacob Mann (Cabrillo College)
Victor Martinez (Cabrillo College)
Hollianne McClure (UCSC): SLV Spanish 4 award; Senior Exit Portfolio honors
Michaella McFarland (Hampton College): Cougar Club $250 scholarship, U.S. Marines $180,000 scholarship; National Honor Society; Senior Exit Portfolio honors
Brent Meakin (Cabrillo College)
Allison Mears (Azusa Pacific University): California Scholarship Federation membership; National Honor Society; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; Golden State Seal Merit; ASB award; renewable $10,000 award from Azusa Pacific University
Chris Mello: ROP Aquaculture II award
Dylan Miller (Cabrillo College): Senior Exit Portfolio honors
Taylor Milne (Bryn Mawr College): Valedictorian; SLV Outstanding Mathematics Award; SLV Outstanding English Award; Speech Club Honors; California Scholarship Federation Life and 100 percent membership; National Honor Society; $500 CSF/NHS scholarship; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; Golden State Seal Merit; $1,000 Phelps Memorial Scholarship; $32,000 award from Bryn Mawr College
Joshua Minderman (Cabrillo College): ROP Green Technology award; ROP Construction Technology award; ROP Industrial Technology award; $125 ROP Construction Technology Portfolio award; Golden State Seal Merit; $8,000 Pell Grant
Mallory Mullins (U.S. Marine Corps): $1,000 Alvin Scarborough Scholarship; Students Making a Difference recognition; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; Link Crew award; $200 Principal’s Award – Outstanding School Service
William Mullins (West Valley College): Athlete of the Year award
Haley Nolan (George Washington University): Cougar Club $100 scholarship; SLV Teachers Association $500 scholarship; $1,000 SLV Rotary Club Scholarship; SLV AP English award; $75 Overall All-School Writing Day Award; SLV French 4 award; SLV AP Government award; Speech Club Honors; California Scholarship Federation Life and 100 percent membership; National Honor Society; $500 CSF/NHS scholarship; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; Golden State Seal Merit; ASB award; Link Crew award; $1,000 Phelps Memorial Scholarship; $200 Principal’s Achievement Award; renewable $15,000 award from George Washington University
Devon Northcott (UC San Diego): Valedictorian; Commendation for Environmental Research; $200 Scholar Athlete of the Year award; Golden State Seal Merit; $1,000 Phelps Memorial Scholarship; renewable $8,000 award from UC San Diego; National Merit Finalist
Kendall O’Conner (Arizona State University): Cougar Club $50 scholarship; SLV Alumni Association $500 scholarship; SLV Rotary $250 scholarship; $1,000 LoudHeart Softball Scholarship; Link Crew award; renewable $8,000 award from Arizona State University
Ryan Olmsted (Cabrillo College)
Megan Pace (Cabrillo College)
Jacob Parle (Cabrillo College)
Jessica Patterson (Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo): Cougar Club $250 scholarship; $500 Ken Frey Memorial Scholarship; Omega Nu of Santa Cruz renewable $1,500 scholarship; $750 Ted Toft Memorial Scholarship; California Scholarship Federation Life and 100 percent membership; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; ASB award; $1,000 Phelps Memorial Scholarship
Matthew Pavich (Cabrillo College)
Kahlil Payne (Cabrillo College): SLV Drama award
Noah Perez (Cabrillo College): Golden State Seal Merit
Mikayla Peterson (UC Davis): Valedictorian; Service Employees International Union $150 scholarship; SLV AP Environmental Science Award; Commendation for Environmental Research; SLV AP Statistics award; SLV AP English award; Speech Club Honors; California Scholarship Federation Life and 100 percent membership; National Honor Society; $300 CSF/NHS scholarship; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; Golden State Seal Merit; Link Crew award; $1,000 Phelps Memorial Scholarship
Marissa Petras (CSU Northridge): Cougar Club $500 scholarship; Boosters Club of SLVHS $500 scholarship; $500 Rev. S.H. Pang Memorial Scholarship; $750 Ted Toft Memorial Scholarship; SLV Choir award; Senior Exit Portfolio honors
Geena Phillips (Cabrillo College): National Honor Society
Matthew Phillips (Cabrillo College): ASB award
Derek Poetzinger (Occidental College): Cougar Club $250 scholarship; SLV Teachers Association $500 scholarship; Boulder Creek Odd Fellows $1,000 scholarship; Dean Richardson Award; California Scholarship Federation Life and 100 percent membership; National Honor Society; $300 CSF/NHS scholarship; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; Golden State Seal Merit; ASB award; Link Crew award; $1,000 Phelps Memorial Scholarship; $200 Principal’s Achievement Award; renewable $37,000 award from Occidental College; $500 Wayne Richards Scholarship; National Football Foundation Scholar-Athlete $200 award
Johann Prambs (UC Davis): Alice Earl Wilder $300 Scholarship; Cougar Club $500 scholarship; $500 Dr. Ashby Steele Memorial Scholarship; $1,000 SLV Rotary Club Scholarship; SLV Rotary $250 scholarship; SLV AP Biology award; Commendation for Environmental Research; SLV Outstanding Mathematics Award; Speech Club Honors; California Scholarship Federation membership; National Honor Society; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; Golden State Seal Merit
Christy Price (Cabrillo College): Senior Exit Portfolio honors
Kevin Pyle (Cabrillo College)
Jordan Reynolds: Golden State Seal Merit
Brannon Richmond (Cabrillo College)
Kyle Rispoli (Humboldt State University): SLV Drama Boosters $250 scholarship; National Honor Society; renewable $7,000 award from Humboldt State University
Rose Schroeder (Sonoma State University): SLV Art award; $9,000 award from Sonoma State University
Amanda Schubert (Cabrillo College)
Parker Sikes: Service Employees International Union $150 scholarship
Rebecka Simon (Cabrillo College): Service Employees International Union $150 scholarship
Lucas Sinnott (SJSU): Senior Exit Portfolio honors; $200 Principal’s Award – Spirit of SLVHS
Hayley Smith (Sonoma State University): SLV Teachers Association $500 scholarship; $200 Scholar Athlete of the Year award; Link Crew award
Morgan Smith (UCSC): Alice Earl Wilder $300 Scholarship; $500 Boulder Creek Elementary Scholarship; SLV Math Analysis award; Speech Club Honors; ROP Graphic Design award; California Scholarship Federation Life and 100 percent membership; National Honor Society; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; Golden State Seal Merit; Link Crew award; $1,000 Phelps Memorial Scholarship; $1,500 award from UCSC
Benjamin Snyder (Cabrillo College)
Lillian Sowden (Sacramento State University): Senior Exit Portfolio honors; Link Crew award
Anna Sramek (SJSU): $700 San Jose State Alumni Scholarship
Charlotte Steinberg (Cabrillo College): Service Employees International Union $150 scholarship; Golden State Seal Merit
Alexander Stiller (Cabrillo College): Golden State Seal Merit
Cassandra Stipes (Cabrillo College): SLV Drama Boosters $250 scholarship; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; Golden State Seal Merit; Link Crew award
Alison Stivala (Cabrillo College)
Karlee Suba (Cabrillo College): Senior Exit Portfolio honors; ASB award
Ian Sugar: SLV Outstanding Journalism award; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; Golden State Seal Merit
Malena Sweers (Azusa Pacific University): SLV English Literature award; California Scholarship Federation membership; ASB award; renewable $10,000 award from Azusa Pacific University
Jon Szakacs (Humboldt State University)
Genevieve Tanguay (Cabrillo College): ASB award
Catrina Tellez (Vassar University): Valedictorian; SLV Outstanding Mathematics Award; SLV Modern Literature award; National Hispanic Recognition Program Honors; Speech Club Honors; California Scholarship Federation Life and 100 percent membership; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; Golden State Seal Merit; $1,000 Phelps Memorial Scholarship; $20,000 Pell Grant
Astoria Tershy (UCSC)
Margaret Tomasello (UCSC): Golden State Seal Merit; $17,000 Cal Grant; National Merit Commendation
Lucas Trader (SJSU): $500 Mario Esposito Memorial Scholarship; Horatio Alger Association $5,000 scholarship; ROP Green Technology award; $5,000 Native Daughters of the Golden West award; $10,000 Pell Grant
Lily Unti (Cabrillo College)
Cristoph Van Wandelen (Cabrillo College): SLV Band award
Kelsey Wollert: Alliance for Children recognition
Yesenia Veloz Diaz (Cabrillo College): Valley Women’s Club of SLV $1,200 scholarship; SLV Trilingual Award; $5,000 award from Cabrillo College
Brittany Venlet (CSU Monterey Bay): Commendation for Environmental Research; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; $3,500 award from CSU Monterey Bay
Leah Viele Verner (SJSU): Boosters Club of SLVHS $500 scholarship; Omega Nu of Santa Cruz renewable $1,500 scholarship; $3,000 LoudHeart Softball Scholarship; Dean Richardson Award; ROP Marketing award; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; ASB award; Link Crew award; $200 Principal’s Award – Spirit of SLVHS; renewable $3,000 award from SJSU
Summer Wallen (Point Loma Nazarene University): Big Stick Surfing Association $300 scholarship; SLV Photography award; ASB award; renewable $16,000 award from Point Loma Nazarene University
Ajna Weaver (Lewis and Clark University): Cougar Club $100 scholarship; $1,000 Alma Schreiber Memorial Scholarship; $1,200 Granite Construction ‘Golden Rule’ Award; SLV Outstanding Yearbook award; $50 Senior All-School Writing Day Award; SLV Outstanding Social Studies Award; SLV Ceramics award; Students Making a Difference recognition; California Scholarship Federation Life and 100 percent membership; National Honor Society; $450 CSF/NHS scholarship; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; Golden State Seal Merit; $1,000 Phelps Memorial Scholarship; $200 Principal’s Award – Most Outstanding; $44,920 award from Lewis and Clark University
Hailey Williams (Cabrillo College): Golden State Seal Merit
Julie Wingert (San Diego State University): $500 LoudHeart Softball Special Recognition award; Golden State Seal Merit; Link Crew award
Alison Wittman (CSU Stanislaus): Big Stick Surfing Association $200 scholarship; SLV Alumni Association $500 scholarship; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; ASB award
Lauren Wood (Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo): Omega Nu of Santa Cruz renewable $1,500 scholarship; Senior Exit Portfolio honors; ASB award
Trent Wood (UC Santa Barbara)
Akacia Woodward (Cuesta College)
Raquel Yeomans (Gap year in Costa Rica)
Abigail Young (Cabrillo College): Service Employees International Union $150 scholarship; Golden State Seal Merit; $250 SLV Arts Educational Scholarship; SLV Choir award
Ariana Zaun (Cabrillo College): Golden State Seal Merit
Steffi Zavaroni (CSU Monterey Bay): Service Employees International Union $150 scholarship
Ariana Zigelhofer (Cabrillo College)