The morning of June 4 found San Lorenzo Valley High School Principal Jeff Calden back on the mic as he led the Class of 2021 through their graduation ceremony. After a year of hits and misses, Calden was thrilled to watch his charges stride across the stage as they ended their high school experience in a way he didn’t think would be possible: together.
“We are extremely proud of this talented, hard-working, and resilient group of graduates who have endured much this year and come out stronger on the other side,” he said. ”And we cannot wait to see the great things they will do as they go out into the world and create their futures.”
In addition to inspiring speeches, musical performances and an address by instructor and coach Ross Parmenter, the seniors were gifted with the return of Grad Night, albeit a little differently. Instead of the traditional on-campus event, where the school is bedecked with a themed environment for an all-night, all-out party, the Class of 2021 boarded a train from Roaring Camp, and spent the evening at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk.
But before that event, Calden reminded the senior class of all they had endured to get to that stage.
“There was fire and evacuation, and we began a long, tough stretch for these seniors. But they battled through,” he said. “We managed to have Senior Sunrise, a homecoming, athletics, a version of live school, a prom, a Senior Sunset, a live graduation today, and a Grad Night celebration this evening. Many of those things were unsure until they weren’t. But the students, and the staff, and the families of this community worked together to make that happen for the graduates we celebrate today, because they earned it—the hard way. This group is tough, they are battle-tested, and they are incredibly resilient. They will go forward and do great things because they know how to push through when times are tough. They are Valley Strong and they are ready.”

One of the class valedictorians, Cadie Peters, reflected on her experiences.
“Despite the challenges of this past year, I enjoyed my high school experience quite a bit,” she told the Press Banner. “This past school year, my family lost the only home I’ve ever known to the CZU fire. After the evacuation, we lived in a motel for two weeks, then squeezed into a house in a sketchy part of Santa Cruz, then finally found a place to rent in Scotts Valley that feels somewhat better. Of course, there was the added factor of Covid-19 and not knowing if we would be able to have the senior events that I’d looked forward to since elementary school. But besides my senior year, high school was definitely a growing experience for me. I met so many amazing friends and teachers that have influenced my life and continue to support me as I embark on my educational future.”
As for the highlight of her year?
“The best thing that happened during my senior year was that I started going to church after years of neglecting it,” she said. “This challenging year caused me to question my faith and where my priorities lay, and I’m grateful for that. It allowed me to be even more thankful for the good things that did happen this year (like being one of our class Valedictorians) and the events that our school was able to put on for the seniors this year.”
Ultimately, she says, “my experience at SLVHS definitely made me appreciate and depend on a loving community.”
“I think the biggest difference between our school and others is how loving the surrounding areas are to us, and how loving we are to them,” she said. “From things like donations for grad night, restaurants having fundraiser nights for the school, and rewarding students for serving their community through volunteer service awards/scholarships. Our school thrives on a community basis and I will be striving to find/create this wherever I end up in my next chapter. Thank you SLVHS.”
Summer’s going to fly by. San Lorenzo Valley schools resume fall instruction for all grades on Aug. 17.