Mr. George Wylie, Trustee of the San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District, delivered his resignation letter to the County Office of Education and SLVUSD effective, July 1, 2020.
“It has been a pleasure beyond words working with the incredible teachers, staff, parents and students of the San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District over the last fourteen years. The dedication, hard work and clear vision of every member of this amazing group have been a true inspiration, and one that I will never forget. More importantly, every student will be inspired to reach much further and higher in life as a result of their educational experience at SLV”, stated Mr. Wylie in his resignation letter.
Mr. Wylie is a retired Naval Officer and former United Airlines 767 Captain. He and his wife Cathy have three sons. George is passionate about public education and has been a long-time volunteer for many school, classroom and district related activities. He earned his B.A. at the University of Washington in Seattle, and his M.S. at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey.
The term for Trustee Area 1 ends in November of 2022.
Mr. Wylie was first appointed to the Board in the 2006/2007 school year and has been on the SLVUSD Board of Trustees for fourteen years. He served as the representative for the Boulder Creek/Brookdale/Ben Lomond area (Trustee Area 1) on the Board. “George Wylie has been a guiding influence on the SLV Board for many years. His contributions to the education of students in SLV has been tremendous,” stated Superintendent, Dr. Laurie Bruton.
The District will be accepting applications for interested parties living in Trustee Area 1 (Boulder Creek/Brookdale/Ben Lomond). Applications are available at the District Office, located at 325 Marion Avenue, Ben Lomond or online at All applications must be turned in to the attention of the Superintendent’s Office by 4:00pm on Thursday, July 23rd. For questions, please contact Vickie Bergquist at 831-336-5194.
The Board of Trustees will hold the interviews for Trustee Area 1 at the regularly scheduled Board Meeting of Wednesday, August 5th during Open Session. Please note: You must reside within the boundaries of Trustee Area 1 to be eligible for this position. The Santa Cruz County Elections Department will need to be contacted to confirm your eligibility.