San Lorenzo Valley High School

This Monday Laurie Bruton, Superintendent of the San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District, sent an email to the community addressing the district’s response to the Coronavirus.  The email also contained several superintendents’ responses as well. We felt it important to share as it contains relevant information on how to prevent the virus.  As of now, no cases of the virus have been reported in Santa Cruz County. 
Greetings to SLV Families,
This communication is being coordinated by The Santa Cruz County Office of Education in an effort to provide all schools and families with the latest accurate information. I will continue to provide details regarding the coronavirus as I receive it from the County Office of Education. I will send information out via the SLV parent, staff, and community email lists. Please call the SLVUSD School District Office with any questions or concerns. 831-336-5195
Administrators and teachers are working together to keep students safe. We will continue to be diligent in maintaining soap containers at school sites and requiring students to wash their hands during the school day. Our custodial staff will utilize disinfectant wipes to clean hard surfaces in classrooms beginning this week. Thank you for your continued confidence in the SLV schools and staff. – Laurie


Date:March 2, 2020

Re: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Notice to all Families


Dear Santa Cruz County families:

All ten Santa Cruz County school districts, in partnership with the Santa Cruz County Office of Education and Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency Public Health Division, are working collectively to address the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. While there remain zero confirmed cases within Santa Cruz County at this time and the risk to our community remains low, incidents of the disease are growing globally and within the United States, including the San Francisco South-Bay Area. 

The Santa Cruz County Office of Education has launched a web page that will be updated regularly to offer updates, resources, and links to other agencies. You can access this page at The Santa Cruz County Human Services Agency Public Health Division is also working diligently to provide accurate and timely information on their website at

We will be prepared in the event that an outbreak does occur in Santa Cruz County. Because COVID-19 has the potential for long-term disruption to our community and to our schools, we are taking the following actions to limit the spread of the disease so that impacts to our students and families are temporary and brief:

  • We are urging students and families who are sick to please stay home and contact your health care provider if necessary. Influenza activity is high at this time, and limiting the spread of the flu in our schools is important. 

  • We ask that anyone who has had known contact with a COVID-19 patient, has traveled abroad to an area impacted by COVID-19, or who is exhibiting symptoms of fever, cough and difficulty breathing, to contact a medical professional IMMEDIATELY so that a confirmed diagnosis may be reported to the Santa Cruz County Communicable Disease Unit. 

  • Custodians will utilize disinfecting cleaners and gloves to disinfect classrooms and public places. 

  • We are helping to ensure students have accurate information about how they can help protect themselves and their families, including proper hand hygiene, safe coughing, and sneezing techniques. 

  • We are working with our local Health Services Agency regarding preparedness and response protocols for any future COVID-19 cases. 

The COVID-19 outbreak is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation, and preparedness and response information may change quickly. Our response may include temporary school closures to facilitate campus cleanings and to help mitigate the spread of the disease. School closures will be implemented under the direction of the Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency Public Health Division, and we urge families to have plans in place for how your family would manage a school closure or how to keep all members of the household free from illness if a caregiver becomes sick.

At this time, we do not plan to cancel future field trips or take other measures to limit social interactions. We will make any necessary adjustments to travel plans as more information about COVID-19 becomes available, and final decisions will be at the discretion of each school district.

The Santa Cruz County Public Health Division also advises that steps to prevent the spread of flu will also guard against the spread of COVID-19. They include:

  • wash hands frequently with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds;

  • Get your flu shot to protect against flu or symptoms similar to COVID-19;

  • use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available;

  • avoid close contact with people who are sick;

  • cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash;

  • avoid shaking hands;

  • clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using regular household cleaning supplies;

  • avoid touching your face with unwashed hands;

  • stay home from school or work when you are sick; and

  • call your primary care provider for instructions BEFORE seeking in-person care for flu-like symptoms

Finally, it is normal to feel distress and uncertainty about the impact of COVID-19 in our community. If you feel overwhelmed, feel free to call the County’s anonymous crisis line, available 24 hours, 7 days a week including holidays. 1-800-704-0900.




Laurie Bruton, Superintendent, San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District

Lorie Chamberland, Superintendent, Live Oak School District

Eric Gross, Superintendent, Pacific Elementary School District

Mike Heffner, Superintendent, Bonny Doon Union Elementary School District

Tanya Krause, Superintendent, Scotts Valley Unified School District

Michelle McKinny, Superintendent, Happy Valley Elementary School District

Diane Morgenstern, Superintendent, Mountain Elementary School District

Kris Munro, Superintendent, Santa Cruz City Schools

Michelle Rodriguez, Superintendent, Pajaro Valley Unified School District 

Faris Sabbah, County Superintendent of Schools 

Scott Turnbull, Superintendent, Soquel Union Elementary School District



Fecha:3 de marzo, 2020

Re: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Notificacion a las Familias


Estimadas Familias del Condado de Santa Cruz:

Los diez distritos escolares del condado de Santa Cruz, en asociación con la Oficina de Educación del Condado de Santa Cruz y la División de Salud Pública de la Agencia de Servicios de Salud del Condado de Santa Cruz, están trabajando colectivamente para abordar el nuevo brote de coronavirus (COVID-19). Si bien en este momento no hay casos confirmados dentro del Condado de Santa Cruz y el riesgo para nuestra comunidad sigue siendo bajo, los incidentes de la enfermedad están creciendo a nivel mundial y dentro de los Estados Unidos, incluida el área de la Bahía Sur de San Francisco.



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