It was a happy Father’s Day for power lifter Deric Stockton, the owner of strength and fitness gym Core Strength in Scotts Valley.
Stockton, 40, squatted 804.5 pounds on his third attempt to set the United Power Lifting open division national record for lifters in the 198-pound weight class.
“My back is a little tweaked today, but it was worth it,” Stockton said.
Stockton competed at Diablo Barbell’s UPA power-lifting meet in Concord on June 21.
In addition, Stockton attained his Elite status — the equivalent of a black belt in martial arts — by hoisting a combined 1,829 pounds on three lifts. In addition to his record squat, he bench-pressed 473.5 pounds and deadlifted 551 pounds.
“I achieved all of the goals I set out to achieve that day, which feels really good,” Stockton said. “And I did it without taking steroids. That feels really good, too.”
Watch Stockton squat 766 pounds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8qrz3WgtdU&feature=channel_page
Pop Warner registration ends soon
Registration for the fall season of Pop Warner football in the San Lorenzo Valley and Scotts Valley is open through Aug. 3.
The league is open to players and cheerleaders ages 5 to 14 and registration is available online at http://www.vyapopwarner.com or by phone at 214-9012.
Discounts are given for siblings and scholarships are available for those with hardships.
The league is also looking for coaches for football and cheer. Coaches over 18-years-old can register online or by phone.
n If you have local sports news for Sports Shorts, e-mail sports editor Peter Burke at pe***@pr*********.com or call 438-2500.