Fairer solution for Scotts Valley lies in housing, not higher taxes
In response to Scotts Valley Fire District Board Director Daron Pisciotta (“Ensuring Fairness for...
Bradford is the all-round best candidate
I support Christopher Bradford for District 5 county supervisor. He’s a natural-born leader you can always count on, like...
Martinez’s fiscal record raises red flags
In the race for Fifth District supervisor, many concerns have been brought up about Monica Martinez, including lawsuits over...
Help affordable housing crisis by voting yes on Prop 5
California has been grappling with an affordable housing crisis for years. Although the state has...
Martinez represents hope and practical solutions
I live in Boulder Creek and have taken the time to attend campaign gatherings for both Christopher Bradford and...
Endorsing Bradford for Santa Cruz County supervisor
Earlier this year, I had an opportunity to get to know Christopher Bradford from a unique perspective. I...
Seniors face burden of increasing property costs
Regarding Patrick Johnston's letter on Sept. 20: I too am concerned about the increase in property taxes proposed...
August 2024 marked the four-year anniversary of the CZU Lightning Complex Fire ripping through the Santa Cruz Mountains. Through fundraisers, educational forums and memorial...