Twas the night before Christmas and all through the garden,The creatures were stirring, the deer got a pardon. The hummingbird feeders were hung by the...
As a paraplegic planner, I have faced the need for part-time in-home assistance while simultaneously having the CFP financial expertise. Caregivers do non-medical tasks...
Imagine being 5 years old and learning (from the other kids) it was possible, just possible…there was NO Santa Claus. This 5-year-old was devastated.
I teach the lesson of humility;Overstretched snaps the bow,The usefulness of futility;The advantage of laying low. —Laozi
Laozi once left eternal wisdom with a border...
RTC to host Informational Community Session on bridge infrastructure
Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) is hosting an Informational Community Session on bridge infrastructure...