Santa Cruz Public Libraries and the Santa Cruz County Poet Laureate (SCCPL), in partnership with Urban Word, are celebrating the inaugural cohort of five...
When Ben Lomond-bred Erica Costella noticed the marijuana shopkeepers vacating their space next to Henry’s Automotive and Masood’s Liquor & Deli recently, she sprang...
As Deborah Parcel flipped through scrapbooks of Press Banner clippings—from before the Valley Press and Scotts Valley Banner joined forces—she beamed with joy.
And that...
Local churches plan Community Good Friday Service
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church has announced a Community Good Friday Service, co-sponsored by six San Lorenzo Valley congregations,...
In our fast-paced world, productivity often takes precedence, meaning sleep is often undervalued. However, sleep has a huge impact on our overall well-being and...
RTC to host Informational Community Session on bridge infrastructure
Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) is hosting an Informational Community Session on bridge infrastructure...