I’m helping my friend Colly, the food columnist for the Press Banner, with her cooking class at the new Boys & Girls Club in Scotts Valley. Colly has planned a summer program filled with delicious recipes and I’m looking forward to learning along with the kids in the class. The first week was all about eggs. I’m sure we’ll be using herbs in a future recipe so I’m getting my own herb garden ready. Whether you grow herbs in pots or in the ground here are some tips.
Several local agencies are working towards creating a way for wildlife to cross Highway 17 without causing vehicle-animal collisions. Still in the early stages of implementing the project, California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) hosted a public information meeting in Scotts Valley last week.
I’m envious of those of you who garden in lots of sun. Well maybe not so much on a hot July day but mostly I wish I could grow more edibles in the opening of my tall redwood forest. My neighbor gives me volunteer Sun Gold cherry tomatoes each spring and some years all the stars align and I enjoy these sweet morsels, picking them mostly as I putter in the garden. They rarely get inside on a salad but boy, are they delicious.
Earth Day celebrates the natural beauty of our planet and reminds us of what we can do to keep it healthy. Always on April 22nd, Earth Day is a day of education about environmental issues and is now a global celebration. In anticipation of this day I recently spent the morning in nature at the UCSC Arboretum where the birds and the bees were enjoying the nectar flowers. Whether you plant a tree, clean up litter, garden, hike in the woods or marvel at emerging wildflower, be in contact with the soil and breathe fresh air outside on this day.
Spring might have officially started mid-March but judging from the wonky weather it was hard to tell. We did experience a “Miracle March” complete with a pretty good dose of needed rainfall along with some very cold weather. You never know what to expect in March around here.
It was Easter oh so many years ago when my son Kim was 8 years old that he discovered yet another one of life’s reality lessons, ‘there is no cure for the facts of life.’
A couple weeks ago in a column about allergy free landscaping, I mentioned dogwood being a good tree choice as their pollen is not wind borne. Their showy flowers are pollinated by insects rather than by the wind. Producing less pollen, their pollen is large and heavy, sticking to insects rather than becoming airborne and leading to sneezing, runny noses and watery eyes. With dogwoods about to burst into bloom I thought I’d share some information about growing this iconic tree.
Eggs are on my list of perfect foods. They are packed with protein and nutrients, quick to cook and delicious. Purchasing high quality eggs is essential for getting the most nutrition possible. Labels can be confusing, but it simply comes down to understanding the life of the hen. In short, you want to purchase "pastured" eggs. I'll explain...
After being displaced by fire in its original location three years ago, the Boulder Creek Roadside Café has been resurrected just a few miles north from downtown.
Mindful eating is being present with your food, enjoying every bite, and listening to your body. Being mindful before, during, and after you eat will help you make better food choices, eat the right amount, and dial in your nutrition to suit your body’s needs.