As we step into 2025, we must acknowledge the unprecedented events that recently tested our community's resilience. Our long-held scientific belief that tornadoes do...
Bummer Bob gripes over dinner, where most financial decisions get solved: “We just can’t afford a gorgeous river house in Brookdale now. Thirty-year mortgages...
High density threatens Hidden Glen’s quality of life
Just wanted to quickly tell our story and voice our strong opposition to the proposed Haven Development,...
“Mae West has been on more laps than a napkin.” —Walter Winchel
Yesterday, while ironing my umpteenth holiday napkin, I was remembering our “napkin box”...
Just before the holiday season, there was an opinion piece in the Press Banner about San Lorenzo Valley Water District (“Measure U’s Decisive Defeat:...
With the overwhelming approval of Measure Q, formally known as the “Santa Cruz County Safe Drinking Water, Clean Beaches, Wildfire Risk Reduction and Wildlife...