Valley Churches United kicks off 2024 Bucks For Hunger drive
Valley Churches United is kicking off its 34th annual spring Bucks For Hunger fundraising drive...
When Ben Lomond-bred Erica Costella noticed the marijuana shopkeepers vacating their space next to Henry’s Automotive and Masood’s Liquor & Deli recently, she sprang...
Local churches plan Community Good Friday Service
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church has announced a Community Good Friday Service, co-sponsored by six San Lorenzo Valley congregations,...
The Brookdale Bluegrass and American Roots Festival held its 24th incarnation at the Brookdale Lodge over the weekend and was blessed with lovely weather—a...
If you’re looking for flexibility and an individualized experience for your high school student’s education, consider Coast Redwood High School, a program within the...
SLVHS Interact Club hosts first Community Egg Hunt
San Lorenzo Valley High School’s Interact Club will be hosting their first Community Egg Hunt on Saturday,...
San Lorenzo Valley Water District staff will begin flushing water mains in the San Lorenzo Valley in March, part of regular system maintenance.
Annually flushing...
St. Patrick’s Day is a time to celebrate with friends, family and good cheer. However, as the festivities often include alcohol, Scotts Valley Police...