The Rotary Club of Scotts Valley provided an all-staff breakfast and checks for $500 to each of the four schools in the Scotts Valley Unified School District on Tuesday, Aug. 27.
A highlight of the morning was a video clip titled “Penny and the Gang” filmed by 10th grader Daniel Hirano that featured Superintendent Penny Weaver, principals at each of the schools and a cameo by Superintendent Michael Watkins.
The concept and lyrics for the video were written by Scotts Valley Middle School principal Mary Lonhart and were inspired by the song “Celebration” by Kool and the Gang. The lyrics helped introduce the Common Core Standards in an entertaining way and featured the leadership team singing and dancing.
Additionally, Rotary President Carrie Birkhofer and Rotary Youth Services Chair Randy Klein presented each school principal with a $500 check from Rotary during the program. Mayor Randy Johnson, Vice Mayor Jim Reed, Police Chief John Weiss, Scotts Valley Education Foundation President Derek Timm and four school board members Kim Shultz, Sue Roth, Michael Shulman and Art Bubb attended to welcome staff and help serve breakfast. Human Resources Administrator Carolyn Lewis presented service awards during the program.