As Chris Somple, from DeLaveaga Properties, stood beside the island with the high-end platter featuring prosciutto and cheese balls during the open house for the 16-condo “The Encore at 4104,” he paused to take stock of just how far they’d come.
He was there in the showroom on March 9, as finishing work was underway up and down the hall, flanked by David Deteso, the preferred lender with US Bank.
“It turned out really well,” Somple said, referencing the spacious feel of the one-story design. “There’s not many single-level units in Santa Cruz County.”
Deteso said it’s nice to be part of something that increases options for potential buyers.
“I see this as a place where young families can start in Scotts Valley,” Deteso said. “These are affordable homes for Scotts Valley.”
Technically, two of the units are considered “affordable,” but the very nature of the building means all of them are closer to the price range of the typical family seeking to move to town—compared with the multimillion-dollar single-family mountain suburban homes that make up much of the community’s housing stock.
“I think they’re going to be very well-received,” he said.
Chris Perri, the founder of Apple Homes, would pop in and out, while giving tours to the various people milling about.
“This is like a sneak preview,” he said, noting he was pleased three City Council members—as well as the chief of police—had joined the festivities.
“It’s green and efficient,” Somple said. “It’s got this open-concept floor plan.”

Bob Cromer, the general contractor, said the project represented an opportunity for their company to try something new.
Even though they’d worked on the 19 units next door at The Terrace, those were separated into multiple structures.
Here, “16 units are encompassed in one building,” he said, thinking back to what it took to get to this point. “It’s about coordinating and trying to get things done.”
Translation: major preparation ahead of time was critical to their success.
The corner units are 1,134 square feet, while the hall units are 1,080 square feet; they’re priced at $879,000-$899,000.
While this may be out of reach of many first-time homebuyers, it’s a bargain for those hoping to be less than half-an-hour from Silicon Valley when traffic is light (though often more like an hour during rush hour).
Despite the name he picked for the project, Perri says this wasn’t just “The Terrace Phase 2.”
“I didn’t want it to look like an extension of that project,” he said.
The Terrace used a three-story walk-up design, whereas The Encore is wheelchair-friendly and includes an elevator.
As the City moves forward with its plan to produce the thousands of new homes demanded by Sacramento, what lessons can be garnered from this build?
“You can’t be an absentee developer,” Perri said. “You have to be hands-on and present, because so much happens in the course of every day.”
Perri also emphasized the importance of collaboration.
“Right Bob?” he said, as Cromer appeared. “We’re here every day.”
Their approach seems to be working. They had three reservations leading into the open house—where they got their fourth.
The building is expected to be complete by the end of May.