By Suellene Petersen
On December 5, 2015, a Watsonville 17- year old by the name of Zac Clayman was a passenger in a vehicle being driven by his aunt. They were traveling on Larkin Valley Road in the area of White Road when Clayman noticed a white object off the side of the road down a steep embankment and had his aunt pull over. He discovered that a white truck had gone down the embankment and had collided with a tree.
Clayman observed that the man seated in the vehicle appeared to have major injuries. After speaking with the driver he found out that the man had been trapped in the vehicle overnight. The temperature had reached near freezing. Clayman immediately notified his aunt to activate Emergency Medical Services to the scene and they provided extraction and aid to the victim.
The Santa Cruz Area CHP along with Aptos Fire Department honored the 17-year old Clayman by presenting him with a Citizen Commendation on February 18. His quick thinking and fearless response most likely saved the crash victim’s life.
Officer Drake reports that the “CHP would like our Santa CruzCounty community to know about this teen’s good deed.” This young man’s selfless act is worth everyone’s consideration.
If you have any questions regarding this event, please feel free to call the CHP office at 662-0511. Officer Drake can answer any questions you may have.

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