Have you ever felt like you are being pressured into doing something bad, and you know it’s wrong? This is called peer pressure. Peer pressure is scary, and I want to tell you how to handle it and be prepared.
It is not good to be pressured. It is something you have heard about before. Your parents tell you about it, and you learn about it in school. But when the day comes when you have to face the issue, do you think you will be ready?
People might try to influence you into doing things that you know you shouldn’t do. We are old enough to know wrongs from rights. We need to stick up for ourselves when we feel like we are stuck in difficult situations.
Hopefully, you will have someone with you when you get pressured. Having another person can give you a boost of confidence and make you stronger. You will have more power and another voice when you are with a friend.
Even if you are alone, be loud and proud of what you are standing up for. Use your voice, and don’t let people scare you off. Just because you see so-called friends doing something wrong doesn’t mean you have to follow in their footsteps.
It might shock you if someone you look up to or care about pressures you into something you dislike. You should always say “no.” You might try to explain to that person that they should do the right thing, also.
No matter what you do or say, you can’t change a person, and you shouldn’t let them change you.
Take control of your life and steer it in the right direction. Remember what you want and what is important. Don’t make that wrong decision now and have to pay for it later.
Pursue the life you want and have no regrets. Standing up for yourself against peer pressure now will lead you down the right path for life.
The first time you do take action and stand strong, it will be a little bit scary. Just remember: Be strong, loud, and do what you believe is right!
Olivia Doherty began seventh grade at Scotts Valley Middle School this fall. She writes an occasional column about issues facing middle school students today. Olivia can be reached through the Press-Banner by e-mailing [email protected].

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