Organizations that place an emphasis on professional wellness are largely successful, attract top talent and drive employee retention. (Contributed)

June is Professional Wellness Month. The goal of Professional Wellness month is to shine a light on the important role the workplace plays in creating a holistic environment for employees and how organizations can support the mental and physical wellbeing of their employees.

Why Is Workplace Wellness Important?

It has been shown that organizations that place an emphasis on professional wellness are largely successful, attract top talent and drive employee retention. Many workers place work-life balance and personal well-being at the top of their priority list when choosing to stay or leave an organization. So it’s a win-win for organizations and their employees.

How to Prioritize Wellness In Your Workplace

Below are tips for prioritizing workplace wellness at your company.

Find Out What Employees Want

Before starting a wellness program at your workplace, it’s important to find out what employees actually want. Ask what kinds of activities and offerings are most important to them. Every workplace and company culture is different, so there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to creating your wellness program.

Take a Holistic Approach to Wellness

Make sure to take the whole person into account when creating workplace wellness opportunities. Physical and mental health both play an important role in the wellbeing and performance of your employees.

Ideas for Incorporating Wellness in the Workplace

Workplace wellness initiatives don’t have to be complicated or expensive. There are simple and fun ways to encourage well-being. Introduce and try out new ideas based on what your employees shared was important to them, and see what sticks.

Here are some workplace wellness ideas to get you started.

Physical Wellness Ideas

1. Encourage workday activity. You can organize team walks, walking meetings or

2. Offer alternatives to sedentary work. Standing desks, walking pads or

3. Create a nap room. Research suggests naps can sharpen concentration, mood, memory and creativity. In that sense, naps can be good for business. Create a space where employees can unplug, rest and recharge.

4. Sign up for a company sports league. Softball, soccer, volleyball, kickball, basketball. Create a team that is inclusive of anyone who wants to join and focus on building camaraderie and having fun.

Mental Wellness Ideas

1. Offer mental-health resources. We know one of the biggest hurdles people face in getting help for their mental health is asking for help in the first place. Make sure your employees know what mental health resources are available to them either through the company’s insurance provider or how to access resources in the community. 

2. Welcome office pets. Making your office pet friendly means your office could be filled with animals who could provide real pet therapy to stressed out employees.

3. Talk opening about mental health. From stress and anxiety to burnout, having an open-door policy where employees feel comfortable sharing their worries and concerns can help prevent some workplace mental health challenges before they even start.

4. Create an employee recognition program. Make sure your staff feels appreciated on a regular basis, not just when it comes time for their annual review.

Think of how you can promote wellness in your workplace and make wellness a priority for your team throughout the year.

Maaliea Wilbur, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, is Founder and CEO of TherapyWorks. For more information, visit

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