Strong social well-being is important and impacts how we interact with others, express ourselves and be a part of different communities. (Contributed)

July is Social Wellness Month. Social wellness is all about fostering positive connections, not just with family and friends, but also with our communities, colleagues and strangers we meet along the way.

Why Social Wellness Is Important

Three benefits of social well-being:

  • Improves mental health and overall well-being;
  • Reduces stress and anxiety; and
  • Improves overall quality of life.

Social wellness is essential for both mental health and overall well-being. By staying connected and engaged with our community, it makes it easier to reach out to others and develop meaningful relationships. These are all vital components in maintaining good emotional and mental health.

Social well-being can reduce stress and anxiety because the connection gives you the opportunity to relax and let go of the tension that comes from feeling disconnected or isolated. Having friends and family to turn to when life gets challenging or uncertain can help relieve stress and anxiety, leaving you better equipped to face life’s hardships.

Did you know that strong social connections have been linked to increased feelings of joy, purpose and satisfaction with life in general? That’s right. People who have more supportive friendships tend to have a greater sense of security and well being than those without. So celebrating Social Wellness Month is important for improving our overall quality of life!

Here are six ways you can improve your social wellness this month and beyond:

Get active. Being active with others in your community can have a positive effect on your health habits and create opportunities to connect. Schedule a weekly walk or exercise class with a friend or family member. Run a local 5K. Or just get out on the trails with your community. 

Volunteer. Volunteering is a great way to give back to the community and meet new people. Find a local organization that needs some help and lend a hand. It’s a great way to make a difference and practice social wellness.

Try a new hobby. Learning something new is a great way to get out of your comfort zone, and expose yourself to new people with similar interests. Learn a language, take dance classes or pick up pottery. 

Go screen-free. It’s shocking how much we miss when we are always on our phones. Set aside time to go about your normal activities without your phone. Think about leaving your phone in the car when you go to your favorite coffee shop or restaurant. You’ll be pleasantly surprised how much more connected and engaged you feel. 

Start at home. It’s important to model social wellness at home with your family. Show your kids how to interact with others, how to be respectful to others (even if you disagree), how to communicate clearly, how to set and maintain boundaries.

The power of physical touch. Physical contact can trigger release of hormones and brain chemicals that improve our happiness and overall well-being. When appropriate, an arm around the shoulder, holding hands or a hug can go a long way to improving your social wellness and connectedness. 

Relationships help us to navigate the world from the time we are born. Strong social well-being is important and impacts how we interact with others, express ourselves and be a part of different communities. Prioritizing social wellness creates stronger support systems and makes our communities healthier mentally and physically. 

Take time to reach out and connect. 

Maaliea Wilbur, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, is Founder and CEO of TherapyWorks. For more information, visit

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