The holiday season is here with all the celebrations and indulgences that go along with it. It’s important to appreciate and partake in the joy of the season, yet at the same time be mindful of the not-so-jolly effects all of our celebrating can have on our health.
 Everyone is aware that sugary sweets left unchecked can contribute to tooth decay. But, did you know that drinking alcoholic beverages late in the evening close to bedtime can increase sleep disorders such as snoring and sleep apnea? The additional calories we typically consume around this time of year without an increase in exercise can lead to weight gain. For some people, even a few extra pounds can be the difference between snoring and a silent night.
 Combined with our daily family commitments, friends, and work responsibilities, the holidays are undoubtedly a busy time of year. Heightened stress levels can lead to clenching or grinding of teeth which can cause premature wear, chipping or breaking of teeth or existing dental restorations. It can also lead to increase tooth sensitivity to hot and cold, as well as damage to the gums.
 These are just a few of the things to be mindful of during this time of the year. Good habits at home with proper oral hygiene, visits to your dentist throughout the year, and measures taken to alleviate stress are all good things to pay attentions to, not just during the holiday season, but the whole year through.
 Dr. Max Ebrahimian & Dr. Ariana Ebrahimian – a father/daughter team at Ebrahimian Integrative Dentistry. 5 Erba Lane, Scotts Valley, CA 95066. Call 438-4411 for question.

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