Cherie Anderson, Advertising Director/ Managing Editor

Here we sit with the very last issue of the Press Banner for 2019! What a year it’s been for us all here. 
We began the year without an Editor, then we had an editor for a while, then we were back to no editor.  In the three years I’ve been Ad Director here, I have also played Managing Editor three times, with 2019 being the longest stint and bringing with it a realization that we are not likely to hire, and more importantly keep, an editor.
So, rather than have that rotating door go around again, I opted to add a second reporter to our team. The reality is, that two part-time reporters can provide plenty of excellent reading for our community paper and I can oversee what stories go in the paper and continue doing the layout.  Turns out that’s been an astute direction for the paper, and we are seeing excellent articles from both Christina Wise and Katie Evans.
Throughout the year we have added “Guest” columnists who provide a variety of excellent articles and coverage on topics such as; Fitness, Mental Health, CBD, Local business coverage, Healthy Eating, SVUSD insight, a Historian, School sports, and two different Faith based contributors.  All ADDED to our long-standing and amazing team of columnist we have all come to cherish; Dr. Terry, Colly, Jan, Mark, and Joyce.
A big change was going off-site for a designer rather than having a PT designer in -house. Effective with the July 2019 issue our design team is technically in Chile! Yes, Chile. The owner of the business is here, came from there, and I’ve known Mauricio Urzua since 2003 when we met at the Sentinel. This not only saved us monetarily but saved me a lot of stress. I no longer have to worry about a designer being sick, or not showing up or leaving without notice! We have a team working for us at GFXs Design and helping to create a great product.
The reality is there’s much more the Press Banner SHOULD do and SHOULD cover more frequently or more in-depth, but there are limits on time and energy for a small team to do all that’s required. So, what’s the answer? The answer is YOU!
I ask you, to consider using your talent, ability, and knowledge to make the paper even better in 2020. HOW? So glad you asked! Here’s just a few ways our product can be improved, and YOU can be a part of making it happen.
 WEBSITE HELP: Got extra time to help us up-date our website? We need assistance to make enhancement to our site which will make it function better and create new sections for our readers and advertising.
SPONSORSHIPS: Did you notice that our Middle School students have not been showcased this year? WHY? Because previous sponsors had to end their support and we have not been able to find any individual or company to step up to the plate to insure that these kids at this tender age get their moment of glory and sense of accomplishment, so vital in this age group.  It’s $135.00 per week per student/school – PTA? Boosters? Business Owners? We need your help here. We also need the FALCONs covered for 1 week per month.
YOUR AD SUPPORT: Are you a Realtor? Business Owner? If you don’t advertise with the Press Banner WHY NOT? Simply stated, if 25-30 more local companies from our two valleys spent $200-300/month on advertising with us in print and/or digital we would not have to tighten our belts as we have increasingly done each year due to rising print, paper, and postage. No other print product is mailed to 11,000 homes between both valleys!
BECOME A SUBSCRIBER: If you don’t receive the paper via USPS, why not help support us through a subscription? At $65.00/year you’re paying postage only and ensuring that you get YOUR community paper each week.
MULTI-SPORTS COVERAGE: We have received support from more individuals as well as a couple of coaches this year which helped us cover a variety sports more often. I don’t recall seeing some of these games/sports grace our pages since I got here in 2017. But WE NEED MORE! If you can provide pictures of sports along with some copy about the game and key players names, we can get those kids in the pages of the paper.  This is an area of great importance to us all and while this year was a significant improvement there’s still much more to do. ALL sports deserve to be covered at some level, so these kids get their just dessert!
There you have it, a Press Banner Christmas list if you will. My belief is,“If you don’t ask you can’t ever receive” so, I’M ASKING!
Thank you to all my reporters, sales, admin, advertisers, columnists, parents, and coaches who helped to make this year, although challenging, a profitable and successful 2019.
Cherie Anderson
Adv. Director / Managing Editor
[email protected]
Cherie spent 30 years in advertising sales in Silicon Valley working for F500/1000 companies such as IDG, and Pennwell Publishing, as well as multiple startups. She owned/operated her own Ad Agency in Cupertino, and a Real Estate Investment Mktg. company prior to coming to the Press Banner. After she and her husband downsized in 2015, she tempered her work pace as well and worked locally, finally landing at the Press Banner in 2017. Cherie loves to hike, walk, yoga and weight training, her pets [dogs & cats], gardening, singing, and laughing as much as possible. Cherie and her husband Kevin attend Gateway Bible.

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