Areas of drought statewide has been dramatically reduced by this year's rainfall.

The San Lorenzo Valley continued its record-setting rainfall last month, with 24.43 inches at the Ben Lomond weather station, making it the third wettest February going back to 1937, according to the Golden Gate Weather Service.
Golden Gate Weather Service owner Jan Null worked as lead forecaster at the National Weather Service for 24 years. Since 1998, he has prepared localized weather forecasts and climatological outlooks for private clients.
Null added that between July 1 and Feb. 28, Ben Lomond received 81.24 inches, making it the wettest seven months of a water year ever recorded.
The weather station is located 420 feet above sea level and is a National Weather Service co-op site.
The mountain region has been basking under sunny skies this week, but light rain is forecast for this weekend.
Various computer models suggest that there is a possibility of another round of heavy rainfall for the Central Coast with a subtropical tap somewhere around March 12.
But Null said models can be fickle. “I wouldn’t put any stock in it (models),” he said. “At about a week before an event, they stop flip-flopping.”
Other rain fall totals through Feb. 28 include: Scotts Valley (67.65 inches) and Boulder Creek (69.93 inches). 

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