In October, Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District will launch the second installment of its popular Wood Stove Change-Out Program.
According to Mike Gilroy, deputy air pollution control officer, the district has $125,000 in grant funds to give to residents to help them switch their heating systems from standard woodstoves to pellet-burning stoves, gas heaters or EPA-certified woodstoves.
The program was well-received in its first year in 2011, with the allotted $75,000 scooped up in a matter of days — much of it by residents of the San Lorenzo Valley.
This year, however, with the Smoke Sensitive Area designation, SLV residents are not eligible for subsidies to switch to EPA-certified woodstoves.
“We have to take this approach, because it’s the only way we can be assured to reduce emissions in the San Lorenzo Valley,” Gilroy said.
Residents who qualify based on income can apply Oct. 11 and 12 for extra financial help from the district to make the switch — up to $2,500, Gilroy said.
Others will be able to apply for the grant funds Oct. 16, he said.
“We’re going to create the ability for people who are income-qualified to qualify for funds first,” he said.
He added that some of the grant money would be set aside so that higher-income families would have a chance to participate.
Prospective applicants can learn about whether their income qualifies by calling 888-728-3637 or visiting the website URL below.
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