Anonymous letters are from no one. Ignore it and fly your flag! Maybe we cannot make this into another Scotts Valley spectacular. (Remember the evil Veronica’s plot to bring down SkyPark with her babysitting scam? How many weeks was that news story dragged out?) 
You have the right and privilege to express yourself. This is the United States of America — you know, freedom of speech, etc. If some idiot has a problem with you flying the New Zealand flag, it’s their problem, not yours. You shouldn’t have to get over it. That anonymous person needs to.
Of course, he or she has the right to free expressions, but no one has to listen. If we all paid attention to every wacko’s objections, then where is our freedom?
Someone objects to your flag? I object to everything that person stands for. Actually, I don’t care what he or she stands for. Not my business.  
Don’t get pushed around. Get a bigger flag and a taller pole! Oh, and welcome to the States.

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